Ancient African country. Current capital: Axum. Current ruler: King Jan Seyoum.
A Jewish kingdom since Queen Makeda, the famed Queen of Sheba, returned from Israel with the Falashas in tow and Solomon's child, the future King Baynalehkem, in her womb; largely converted to Christianity in the fourth century by Abuna Frumentius
Possibly the first Christian country (except maybe Armenia), was the world's only independant Jewish state (except maybe the Khazars) during the reign of Queen Yodit. Christian again for the nonce. Religious minorities include Moslems and pagans; ethnic minorities include the Daku and kaggen.
Local marvels include: Ancient, 100'+ tall obelisks; statues from Perseus' wedding.
Location of the Ark of the Covenant, guarded by two Fiery Angels; controlled by the Abuna.
Prominent citizens include:
- Jan Seyoum, king
- The Abuna, his spiritual advisor
- Abubek, vizier
- Mihuet & Mulu Ken, her bodyguards
- Miriam, Duchess of Eritrea and Princess of Abyssinia, currently on the island of Dack.
- Yodit, deposed queen, currently under three-year contract as military adviser in Eritrea
- Nelenteyos, vizier, deceased, undead, redeceased
- Adaraz, rabbi
- Hadneya, prophetess
- Karmi, former champion and watchman, current whereabouts unknown
- Mehum, local rabbi
- Dhusuwaiqatain & Kiram, secret agents
- Ipiornis, parrot, leader of the Vazimba
Passing through:
- The Bab al-Nasr (The Gate of Victory)
Buried there:
Known dangers include:
- kaggen
- trogodytes
- dinosaurs
- all sorts of ferocious animals
- the disease table
- the White Ghost (also known as Ailyll Lightningcaller)
- Fiery Angels
- Djinn (var.)
- enormous regenerating obsidian statues
- wax Haralds
- zebra cavalry
- The Vazimba, an elite squad of Malagasy dwarves