Lost, Traded or Expended items

From Record Of Fantasy Adventure Venture
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  • Chime of Opening (from the Corpse Tearer hoard, given to Hagia Sophia by Gregory for their assistance)
  • Rod of Resurrection (given to the Tuatha de Dannan by the Danger Gang, command word: Nu-kwer-na, found in Ziggurat of Ur, 1 charge remaining)
  • Cleric Scroll of Forbiddance (from the Jar of Tarphon, used by Gershom to secure the Jewish cemetery in Buthrotum)
  • Cleric Scroll of Protection from Evil (used by Gershom in the Plane of Shadows to escape from a pack of shadow hounds, found in the Dracolich hoard in the City of Fire)
  • Wizard Scroll of Demishadow Magic (used by Zombres to cast Sending to Matsyendernath, found in Dracolich's hoard in the City of Fire)
  • Labrys, hand axe +2 (destroyed in combat with Bevis of Hampton, found in Croesus' treasure room in Sardis)
  • Red candle – (used in the assault against the clockwork horrors in Zoulvisia's tower, creates a Passwall spell for 10 rounds, found in the castle of the false Zoulvisia, Armenia)
  • Oil of Impact, 2 applications - +3/+6 bonus to blunt weapons (used by Kolya to anoint Sharrur and Diogenes to anoint his three-headed flail prior to the battle with Orcus, found in the Dracolich hoard in the City of Fire)
  • Eye of Balor (protected from rotting by Oil of Timelessness, gaze can turn creatures to stone, traded to the Graeae for the Hourglass of Immunity to Time Magics (who threw in a Brazier of Fire Elemental Summoning as part of the bargain))
  • Hourglass of Immunity to Time Magics (lives up to its name; must be overturned every hour to keep the spell in effect, immediately traded to the Umayyad Party (who want to hack Qaf) in exchange for the Pickaxe of Japheth.
  • Brazier of Fire Elemental Summoning (traded to Mur'aash, Guardian of Ctesiphon (more recently of the Tahkt e Sulaiman, for the Stone of Japheth decorating the pommel of his sword.
  • Tome of Spacecraft Construction (originally possessed by Gershom, who wished for it with the Tablets of Destiny, given to Santa Claus so he could build us a rocket to the moon. Seriously.)
  • Sheath of attacks (traded to Following Alexander Party for Snake Bracers, any non-magical sword drawn from it gets 3 attacks, found in Semiremigard, belonged to Agamemnon and then Pygmalion)
  • Deathmaster Scythe +2 (returned to Dr. Stupiferous ("no hard feelings"), does base 1d8+1 damage, opponents rolls save vs. poison on a successful hit, failure means loss of 1 HP/rd poison damage as a sword of wounding, radiates evil)
  • Potion of Invisibility (used to sneak past the guardian Archon in the Takht e Suleiman, found in Zoulvejia's tower)
  • Potion of Healing (possessed by Gershom, found in a box in the City of Ool)
  • 2 Jars of Minea's healing balm (5 applications per jar, 1d4+8 HP healed, cures poison and disease, used in Ool after the fight with Vetel)
  • Zuljanah (possesed by Kolya and bound to him by a wish, stone figurine of a horse, springs to life with the command word: Motajhiz!, speed 48, 81 HP, THAC0 11, 2d6/2d6 counts as +3 weapon, can be split into 2 or 3 horses, one horse was found in the Tomb of Bibi Sharbahnu, the other was taken from Attigot when Kolya wished for it -- turned to dust by Vetel's friend, the Flying Golden Pig)
  • Scroll of Disintegrate (found in the lich Lorinite's bed chamber in Ool, used in Ool to disintegrate a metal wall protecting Vetel)
  • Scroll of Item (found in the Dracolich's hoard in the City of Fire, used in Ool to increase the amount of treasure taken from the vault in Kandam subsequent their humiliating defeat by Haravarma)
  • Scroll of Globe of Minor Invulnerability (used by Zombres to bypass glyphs in Ool, found in Arvalan's living room also in Ool)
  • Dragon Horn (found in the crappy dungeon of the Tuatha de Dannan, given to Liten by Arben who subsquently blew it, turns into an adult red dragon when sounded, slain by the good people of Chrysopolis)
  • Whetstone of the Narts (c) (found in the megagriffin-filled cave of Prometheus in the Caucuses, gifted to Chen, King of the Gypsies on the day of his wedding to the daughter of Raja Raja Chola)
  • New Moon of Ratri (taken away from Zombres by Nelchael when he was summoned to sort out the Horrors from Beyond in Ool, channels the powers of destroyed artifacts, user makes knowledge roll on use of a specific artifact, if successful, can use artifact, if not bad effects, every time user employs the New Moon, make saving throw vs. spells at -6, failure means you want to blow up the sun very badly, can 'borrow' powers from existing artifacts, during which time only the borrowed power may be used by the New Moon holder and not the artifacts original owner, leaves the smell of darkness on the user)
  • Punch Dagger +3 (wielded by Zombres, originally belonged to the lich Lenorite, sacrificed as a spell component enabling ibn Yunus to cast Legend Lore on the Egg of the God-Slayer, Mayuwan)
  • Ring of Hiordis (originally worn by Zombres, allows wearer to know when variable duration spells are about to expire and grows cold just before dawn, gifted to Chrysopolis by Agafangul, “no hard feelings,” traded in turn to ibn Yunus for the Dotar of Amman)
  • Potion of Flight (used by Kolya in the fight against Pazuzu, found in the Vault of Ool, made of rendered baby fat)
  • Potion of Heroism (used by Zombres as a spell component for Tenser's Transformation to whup up on Vetel, King of Ghosts, in Ool. Found in Zoulvisia's boudoir)
  • Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement (used by Zombres to no effect against a summoned giant in the first combat with Ouwanuous, found in Arvalan's living room in Ool)
  • Potion of Resurrection (found in Pekway's lair within the Cave of Mikanana, used to restore the dragon priestess demigoddess Matsu to life, red liquid w/a dove image on the bottle)
  • Green prism Ioun stone (+1 to fighter level, found in an altar to Mars on an island of firebreathing birds, exploded when Marcella was level-drained by Crocodilicus the humanoid crocodile with antlers during the escape from the Evil Sea-Dwellers Conference at the Dragon King's Pagoda)
  • Potion of Water Breathing (consumed by Diogenes when he teleported into the ocean by 1000 Mile Eyes, found 1/2 full on the corpse of an adventurer on the Isle of the Red Ettin)
  • Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location (worn by the corpse of the treasonous Buddhist nun and secret Thuggee sequestered in the sacred Jewish cemetery in Buthrotum, was a gift from the Following Alexander Party, but who knows where they got it)
  • Wind dagger +1 (given to Thora to help her dad out of a tight spot, now possibly 15,000 years in the past(?), casts gust of wind 1/day, activation word is 'windoleum!' but not really, found in the basement of the abby on the isle of the Akoimetoi)