Talk:Fragment Regarding 'Mu' from a Greek Miscellany
Noah: Sounds like another flood myth, but I can't place the culture. Assyrian? Akkadian? Hittite? Gehenna is a Jewish concept, but that's probably a choice of words made by the translator.
Kerry: Good ol' Besna. I wonder how else you might spell that?
Noah: Yes, I was thinking that too, but how would it work? This is clearly an old, old text.
Hal: Baffle of Armageddon? What kind of scanner is this, anyway?
Noah: Sorry, copyists error.
Noah: So, Arben identified Kesare and Bithos as the Greekified spellings of Ceasara and Bittus as mentioned in the Letter from Cn. Julius Agricola to his grandson, M. Claudius Cornelius Tacitus, making the origin of the flood myth Irish, and thus not so old at all. Hmm... Orm destroyed a mountain in Ireland, didn't he?