Talk:Road to Kebnegard, Chapter Twenty-One

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On Why Reynaldo Should be Captain of the Valgae Leya

Mostly, Reynaldo is the best sailor in this party. He has sailed with an actual ship before, and Wong can attest to Reynaldo's skills from when they were stuck on those damnable (yet, so delicious) islands.

I know what you're all going to say: "Reynaldo's just going to go power mad." This is not true. Making Reynaldo captain of the Valgae Leya would not make him de facto leader of the party. It just means that while we're sailing, you should all listen to Reynaldo when he says hoist the mizzenmast, drop anchor, and all that other sailor speak. He will need a first mate, and he plans on teaching you all how to properly sail. He's going to buy a sextant so that he can sail with the stars and all. Any and all destinations will still be arrived at by consensus.

What I'm saying is: please make Reynaldo the captain of the Valgae Leya.

That is all.

On Why Wong Should be Captain
The damn boat is tied to her lifeforce and so on. If she dies, no boat. Thus she should be captain, since her idea got you the boat in the first place anyways. Plus Cap'n Wong sounds cooler than Cap'n Reynaldo, which is just gay.

tcm: so, what you're saying is that Reynaldo should kill Wong before we leave Kevel, and then go back into the Chamber and tie the Valgae Leya to his life force. also, it must be mentioned that Reynaldo gave up his silver piece to make the thing even.