True Neutral
Shape-shifter or Wererat (more likely). On the side of Bardas Phocas, although of personality type that seems to serve self rather than a bigger cause (this means he'd probably turn on Bardas Phocas if he thought it'd be advantageous enough).
Participated in Michael Bourtzes's siege of Chrysopolis. We think he has the +1 magic ring that Father Michael wore before he fell off a wall and died being pierced with arrows.
Recently wrote a letter to Jean-Claude, asking Jean-Claude to switch sides from (whatever side we're currently on, it's not like we're so lawful after all) to join Bardas Phocas.
More recently hired Arben to assassinate Eorl. Arben agreed in order to get in his good graces, but currently has no plans to assassinate him.
Even more recently, he has been captured by the Danger Gang, who were in turn captured by the Thieves Guild. The hostage negotiations continue.
He also has found out about the upcoming end of the world and seems interested in joining the cause. This could just be a clever ruse.