Talk:The Danger Gang Busts Into Hephaestus' Forge
Kerry: Goddamn it, Hal, are you on a volcano kick until someone falls in lava? Every party is either in or has just left a freakin' volcano. My calculations give a p value of around 1e-9.
Hal: I accept no blame, as one party sought to enter a known volcano, another one tracked down Ayesha, who dwells in a volcano, and third decided to go to the forge of Vulcan, which everyone knows is situated in a volcano. I admit this is weird, but in no case (with one possible exception) was it my idea.
Also, Chrysopolis is erupting!
Also, volcano = pretty sweet!
Chris: Volcano also equals an under-rated film. It has it's charms.
Melanie: and why does Ayesha live in a volcano? I know it can get cold in the middle of the African jungle but still....
Hal: Hey, I don't make this stuff up.
Chris: I thought you made all of this up. It all sprung from your imagination fully formed, like Athena from Zeus' skull (which you also made up).
Hal: Heck no. It's all "stranger than fiction."
Melanie : Ya, 'cause I mean who would make up a lion-with-eagles-coming-out-of-it's-ears, or a serpopard(there was proof for this one) if they hadn't actually seen one ^_^