Ancient African country. Current capital: Axum. Current ruler: Queen Yodit.
A Jewish kingdom since Queen Makeda, the famed Queen of Sheba, returned from Israel with the Falashas in tow and Solomon's child, the future King Baynalehkem, in her womb; largely converted to Christianity in the fourth century by Abuna Frumentius; now officially Jewish again.
Possibly the first Christian country (except maybe Armenia), currently the world's only independant Jewish state (except maybe the Khazars). Religious minorities include Moslems and pagans; ethnic minorities include the Daku.
Local marvels include: Ancient, 100'+ tall obelisks; statues from Perseus' wedding.
Possible location of the Ark of the Covenant
Prominent citizens include:
- Miriam, deposed princess
- Nelenteyos, vizier
- Adaraz, court rabbi
- Hadneya, prophetess
- Karmi, champion, watchman
- Mehum, local rabbi
- Dhusuwaiqatain & Kiram, secret agents
- Jan Seyoum, rebel leader
Passing through:
- The Bab al-Nasr (The Gate of Victory)
Buried there:
Known dangers include:
- kaggen
- trogodytes
- dinosaurs
- all sorts of ferocious animals
- the disease table
- the White Ghost (previoulsy)
- Fiery Angels