The Danger Gang Makes Its Move In Mount Salerno

From Record Of Fantasy Adventure Venture
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The Danger Gang wakes up; everyone feeling confident and excited. Martialis casts Augery to see if they're proposed plan should work, or at least the first half, and the Big Tree says it might.

So, they head down to the Sea of Mercury, Can and Marty having cast their Fly and Airwalks on those agreed appropriate in advance. They take a minute trying to convince Psychopomp that the Princess might be bad news, but he aint buying it. So Can casts Fumble on him, which Slows him. Psychopomp tries to get off a blast of heat breath weapon, but Marty's Control Temperature takes care of that. They begin their flight across the mercury sea. Out of nowhere, a cloud of butterflies approaches them, but Can's Burning Hands takes care of that before they even try to worry about what their deal is or anything. They head past one beach, to another where they see the Majordomo's raft resting.

They land their and hoof it down the hallway past the beach. At the end of said hallway, before a room, is a big ol' chest, out of which pop a half dozen skeletons who start chucking flaming ribs at the boys. Marty whips up a few giant insects which help the boys take 'em out. Unfortunately, both Lleryn and Can get knocked down to a negative in the melee. They also see Psychopomp's head pop out of the mercury at the entrance to the hall. They take cover around the corner in the room. Marty suggests that they try to rest their, which everyone finds good for a laugh, until they realize he's serious. They give it a spin. After a minute or two of trying to lay low, they hear Psychopomp yell out, "Cat, the mistress is in danger! All bets are off!"

Not long after that, a swarm of white mice approach the room from a hallway to the south. Karl whips out his Aeolean bag of the South Winds and shoots it right down their throats, scattering the vermin. Unfortunately, the next things coming down the hallway will not be dealt with so easily. They see a metal dwarf and a figure wearing a pink cloak heading towards them...