Meeting With the Greae, For Real This Time

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We hang out in jail for a while chatting with the crazy Swanmays. She tells us about this really cool Throk party that's going to be going on in the City of Dreams and fills us in on who Throk's Seven. She also gives us some useful info on the lay of the land down here.

The other Swanmays then come down, looking somewhat confused, and tell us that the Greae will meet with us if we can fill certain conditions. First, we have to find them within an hour of being released, and secondly we have to survive five rounds in combat with them. TrappoII (?) luckily hears the secret third condition, which is that after 10 rounds the Swanmays will be hunting us. We cheerfully agree to these conditions, and get to work healing ourselves up and memorising some spells.

A couple of rest periods later, we head off. Ailyll locates eyeballs and directs us to a recently walled-off passageway. She stone shapes through what turns out to be 10 feet of solid rock, while Harald turns one of her wasps into a giant ooze and webs off the passageway. Turns out the ooze was happier as a wasp, and it starts to try to break through the webs to attack Harald. We all wiggle through the narrow passageway that Ailyll made, leaving our larger equipment and armour behind. Poor Merlinda is simply too wide to fit, so she is left behind to guard the passage and hope the ooze doesn't make it through the webs too fast.