Ailyll wins the best duel ever, we get some Names of God, clear Mamun with the Caliph, and raise Eryx
Ailyll goes to Wales and takes out Drem in two rounds: Harm, velociraptor. Bam! She is rewarded with her Arch-Druidship, and she gets to be one of the Mega-Druid's roving badasses. She is tasked with taking out Asophis on the next full moon for her first mission. Meanwhile, Harald hangs with Al Khidr and gets some answers. Ailyll comes back, and then everyone goes off on a whirlwind tour. We head to Armenia to bargain with Bevis. Who should we meet there but Asophis. What a jerk that guy is. Bevis wants to chop up the Danger Gang, because he thinks they sent a dragon after his wife. He subdued said dragon and is trying to train it as a mount. Awesome. He says some folks came by a few months back who had a riding dragon. Perhaps the Dark Dire Riders? Seems like their kind of deal. We trade Nimrod's badass Black Dragon Armor for the Sword of Methuselah, upon which are written three of the 50 Names of God. It is also awesome vs. demons, so we look forward to hitting the Demogorgon with it. We then head to Baghdad, and pick up Yazid and Sit. We get a note saying we should go to Cairo post-haste, so we do. There we find the city deserted and the Caliph hiding in a mosque. Seems like some plagues have hit the city. We have just learned of the curse of the Necklace of Harmony, so Harald Teleports the Caliph off to Al Khidr, who Removes Curse, and also fills the Caliph in on the real deal vis-a-vis A and B, end of the world, etc. Meanwhile, the rest of the party gets Fireballed back in Cairo. Harald and the Caliph return, and we go out looking for the folks who have made life miserable around Egypt. We find some hags, led by a super hag named Salasa, and kill them. They were doing all the plagues, turing the Nile to blood, and so on. Problem solved! Mamun's crime is forgiven, and the Caliph Raises Eryx for us. We use his true name and soul gem to get our three services. Service 1: Help us kill the Demogorgon. We also pick up Saiiq for some help in the upcoming epic battle. Next stop: Sicily. But maybe Spain first, to get the whip sword back.