The Danger Gang are a convenient scapegoat for mermen
The Danger Gang continue to sail across the Azov when they are suddenly set upon by a school(?) of mermen. They slow the boat down and accuse the party of generating the tremendous storm which rages in the northern part of the Euxine, which until recently, was their home. They assume that the coincident appearance of a storm and a magic boat is indisputable proof of shenanigans (which, really, is shenanigans in itself).
Through one bad Russian speaker and one bad Hebrew speaker the party tries to convince the mermen that the storm originates from a bunch of Hekate-worshipping Melitanes and they have nothing to do with it. The mermen demonstrate that what they really want is a little ritual combat, so Karl Shinyhands handily beats their champion with a little help from Gershom.
After the mermen grudgingly depart, the Gang continues on their way.