Recent studies show that traveling to or through the plane of shadows remains as terrible an idea as ever
6PM June 3rd.
OH MY GOD IT IS EFFING BRIGHT HERE! I had no idea there were such awful places beyond the realm of shadows. That place is nothing compared to this—at least it’s dark. I feel gross. Happily this place is too cold for these frail bodies, so I imagine no one else wants to stay here any longer than I do.
By hear I mean the north pole. We came here by way of the a teleportation spell after a lot of nonsense involving the realm of shadows. I may not respect that Zombres fellow much, but I’ll say this—he keeps his word. He promised me not to make me go back there, and so he shrunk me and put me in a cup with Gershom and Arben to carry us through there. This Dr. S. character screwed everything up, so no one ended up at the destination. Zombres landed in Panchaia. Kolya ended up on a tiny beach, Marcella made a friend in China, and Gwyn lied his way out of a prickly situation in Lugurix. Zombres teleported around to get everyone else mostly in order.
After this terrible idea we just scryed on a place they know of and teleported there. It was cold, we slept until we could cast protection from cold on ourselves, and then we battled a remoraz. Zombres and I nearly died. As far as I can tell, I do die if the body I’m in dies, so I’ve got to find one that’s a bit hardier than this one when I leave it. I cannot wait to leave this place.