Ailyll is Forgiven, Harald Starts His Own Encyclopedia

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After a medium successful interview with Cresentius Harald meets up with the rest of the party outside the midget castle. Harald looks a little disappointed at the lack of genocide, but we convince him that mini lizard monsters really are quite charming and don't deserve firey death. Instead we head back to Sicily to try and square things with Dememter. Sure enough, she *really* likes hearing "Dal Dalame", and we leave her cave happily forgiven. We look around for more treasure with the pirates, but all we find is a giant insect-man cocoon.

Next we decide to get that jerk Eryx once and for all. Harald wishes that he would come ambush us some time soon, perhaps in some sort of limited way. Sure enough, it soon begins to rain frog monster bits. We are terribly disappointed and pester the corpse until it finally fails its save and has to talk to us. Insults are exchanged, and we manage to learn that the Hermit of the Sea (a jerk who we have heard of before, but not yet met to our knowledge) sent Eryx to fight some octopuses that are entombed in crystal spheres beneath Sardinia. Eryx and his pal the Grey Executioner took off and woke an octopus, but it killed them both in short order. We immediately sent the armada off to Sardinia. We head back to Basra to hang out with the Brotherhood of Purity for a while, and learn that Nimrod (whose key we may well have) had a smaller tower near Baghdad. He also had Adam's clothes of skin, which make you good at hunting, and he lost a fight against Ara the Beautiful in Armenia. The Brotherhood gives us an ancient list of workers on the Tower of Babel, and we're pretty sure it has Al Khidr's name on it somewhere. Did you know two guys named Anus worked on that Tower? No wonder it fell. Harald teleports the Brotherhood to Northern Norway so they can go off on an exciting adventure far away and not interefere with our totally super awesome attack on Jamila that won't go wrong at all.