Fetching More Potion Ingredients

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Now that we have our hard earned Styx water, we divine about our Corpse Tearer fighting plans

 blood most beautiful is bane to those who wear the human stain
 better than one like farrow, guy who shouts "harrow"
 remember that the expiation not only dread occasion
 it has never been an error to fear the corpse tearer
 within dread lair, skull floating in the air
 crystal with fewer folds, heart and mind of crystal
 it teareth with its single fold jewels, gems and gold
 hate though bollux up status quo
 but though I've dwealt upon this devil, Nidhog's Spawn a greater evil
 but though its powers great indeed, he is the one you need

at this point we speculate on who the floaty skull is while Hal thinks of more rhymes. We decide it is probably the terrible Demi-Lich

 in only one way is he rich
 ps there is no demi-lich
 a strict perusal of the rules creates a date from cost
 one eye land of narts - eyes and time cut in half
 to recharge the staff, read the book

So we head off to Gungard, leaving a charming undead chimera to guard our stuff. We meet Saredon, last of the Narts. He's a real jerk and turns us into monkeys for no reason. He tells us to stay away from the Cave of Prometheus and not trust the white snake. We ditch him and go looking for some Cyclopes. We meet a white snake, guardian of the star of the winds, who asks us to please not plunder the temple of Maya Erdu. We find the Cyclopes labyrinth and are about to explore when Saredon comes back to bother us. Harald tells him how the (Sword that kills what you love most) was broken and he hurries off looking rather distressed. We beat up all the Cyclopes and steal their gold and their blood.