Inscription on the Empty Casket of Noria

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Discovered in the heart of the Fortress of Nora, inscribed in Hebrew on the lid of a casket, which, though empty, seems to have been intended for Noria.

   Father of All, Intention of the Light, dwelling in the heights above 
   the physical worlds below, Light dwelling in the heights and outer 
   rim, Voice of Truth, upright Mind, untouchable Word, and ineffable 
   Voice, incomprehensible Father!
   It is Norea who cries out to thee. They heard, and they revealed unto 
   her her mastery over place. They gave it to her in the remnant of her 
   father, Enoch son of Jared of the house of Adam, as well as in the 
   voice of the Holy One, that she might rest in the ineffable Thought, 
   that she might inherit the gift of the fires and kings before 
   creation, that she might become as the mind, and that she might preach 
   to the first born, and that she might save herself, just as she has 
   inherited the living Word, and speaks with the mind of the Father.
   And she began to speak with the words of Life, and she remained in the 
   presence of the divine seed, possessing that which she had received 
   before the world came into being, possessing, that is, her face before 
   she was born, and has the great mind of the Eternal One, and she gives 
   glory to her Father, and she dwells within those who dwell within the 
   Fullness, and she beholds the Fullness.
   There will be days when she will behold the Fullness, and she will not 
   be in deficiency, for she has the sacred words to intercede on her 
   behalf with the Father of the All. He it is who is within all of the 
   created, ruling the thought of Norea and the body of Noah. And 
   Norea speaks concerning the two names which create a single name, and 
   the three bodies which create a single body.