Mage spells, third level--components
From Record Of Fantasy Adventure Venture
- Alacrity (E): miniature hourglass
- Clairvoyance (C): Powdered pineal gland
- Flame arrow (Q): Oil & flint
- Fly (Q): Feather
- Gust of wind (Q): Legume seed (snicker)
- Haste (C): Licorice root (5 cp)
- Phantom steed (Q): No component is listed, so let’s assume its Q, mud and smoke (those naysayers who claim that the M in the description is a typo should note that the spell has been V M from its first appearance in Dragon, through Unearthed Arcana, and into 2d Ed.)
- Prot/normal missiles (C): Turtle shell (1 sp)
- Vampiric touch (E): skin of a dead man’s hand (Nic’s has no material component)
- Wraithform (Q): Gauze and smoke are free, but remember you need a fire to have smoke (as the old saw goes)