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The so-called River of Stones, so called because it actually is a river comprised of stones. It is very difficult to cross. Alexander the Great was unable to cross this fabled river, neither through land nor air, and his conquest of the world was stalled because of it.

It is rumored that the lost thirteenth tribe of Canaan resides on the other side of the river. It is also rumored that the stones stop flowing on the Sabbath, thereby allowing travel across it. Furthermore, it is rumored that Heracles, Alexander's bastard child, crossed it while escaping Cassander the Black. The Diadocomachia says that Heracles went east, beyind the borders of Alexander's empire. Perhaps the River Sambation is there?

The Umayaad Caliphate in Spain have looked for it for a long time. Guadalajara was a place where they thought it might have been.

The Caliph of Cordoba wants to get to the other side of the river in order to get at the possible ancient magics and artifacts that the thirteenth tribe might posses. Because of the Hadith of Muawia, he has sent Raheesh and his men to look for the Glitter Gates, as well as the River itself.