The Danger Gang Interviews the Lost God Kodmelos

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After a good night's rest in Can's Secure Shelter, the Danger Gang wakes up ready to find out what's on the other side of that rotting old door. First Martialis and Gershom cast Nesutralize Poison and Cure Disease on Karl Shinyhands to try to clear up anything that might have happened to him when the Slaad hand scratched him. It has no demonsterable effect. Marty then asks his big tree god if it would be a good idea to talk to whoever is behind that door; he gets a big weal. They head over to the door and Arben asks who's in there.

"I am known as Kodmelos," a voice replies. Everyone takes a deep breath and Gershom casts Protection From Evil.

Marty un-Stone Shapes the door and they head in. There they find Kodmelos, who looks like a Manticore stuck in a big gold altar speckled with emeralds. Karl eyes the emeralds greedily, but Can warns him off it.

There is then a long, long conversation with Kodmellos, where he answers questions in exchange for some corpses to eat. Here are the highlights of the convo:

He's been alive for about 11 thousand years, stuck in this room. His memory is kind of hazy. He seems fairly certain he's the oldest thing alive.

The wall was built by Dardenous after Kodmelos ate his brother Yaseon. This was some time shortly after the last flood.

He can remember 2 deluges. He claims these cataclysms were caused by the two main gods fighting. He thinks the valley was in some way protected from the whole sale destruction. He actually claims to have lived through three such fights, but only two caused floods, maybe, his memory is a little fuzzy here.

In most cases, nothing survived. It seems only the toughest races made it; humans, octopuses.

Before the first flood, there were Octopuses, Cabiri and Dinosaurs.

Slaad worshipped him before the last flood or cataclysm. So did humans. Gripli and humans worshipped him after. The gripli were kind of wussy Slaad.

He doesn't think you can get to the moon. He was actually surprised to learn there's only one moon; last time he saw there was two. He says an Eostrodon tried once; didn't pan out.

Apparently octopuses are tough enough to take out Cabiri no problem; rip them limb from limb like rag dolls, even their leveled ones.

The Tailed Men took out Crete while looking for some kind of special vase.

The fall of the tower of Babel was like a minor cataclysm. He knew when it happened because before that, all the voices in the wall spoke the same language. After that, it was a bunch of different gobbledy gook.

They ask him to read the crazy writing that drove them crazy, but it was just a bunch of "Hail Auxieros" etc.

He said the Cabiri tried to hook him up with Auxieros, but they never really met, let alone hit it off.

So after all that, the team has to figure out what to do. Kodmelos wants to leave, but he admitted to Arben in confidence that he does enjoy the taste of man-flesh (Arben told him to downplay that when talking to the other guys). He says if they let him out, he'll be their best friend. They agree that maybe the thing to do is Abjure him and send him back from whence he came. He's a little worried that it might no be there anymore, but after all this time, he seems willing to give it a spin. Gershom starts to prepare the Abjuration.

Then they realize that Eorl would probably be pretty pissed if he didn't get a chance to talk to this guy. Marty agrees to fly back to Chrysopolis and grab him. Karl goes and grabs Hush and Kotrag. They try to dig a hole down to the chamber so Kodmelos can get a little fresh air, but they're attacked by bees. They run away.

Before dark, Martialis arrives in C-Town. He tells Eorl the deal, and Eorl starts to freak out. He grabs Leo, Helena and Nicephorus from Constantinople. He hires the fastest boat he can find and they set sail.