Arben sits down with the imprissoned Bashim

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Arben decides it's time to have a talk with the infamous Barnacle Bashim. We all know the way some people like to have things done is that no one kills anyone in cold blood, only in the heat of battle. Arben was bitter for a long time that Bashim denied his request to remove his leg below the knee, but he recognizes that it could have been much worse. Arben proposes a trial for the charges of piracy (however, he would urge Bashim to plead guilty). They shoot the shit for a while on other ideas on what to do with him; shoot him off to the Kalalalt, shoot him, he would serve as Halcyon's barber. Eventually, Eorl busts in and starts questioning him about the Morkoth and Yaya and the rest.

Meanwhile, The Crimson Cutlass paces outside the door, muttering, "just give me five minutes..."

In any case, Bashim and Arben agree to be friends, but the kind of friends that don't trust eachother.