Bad News and Bears

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Having successfully re-handed one of their clerics, the Danger Gang contacts another high-hit-point buddy, The Brown One, who graciously agrees to do some bleedin' to restore Diogenes in exchange for the DG taking out a shambling mound near Pella. Done and done! Tulpe agrees to stay behind in the forest and tend to the bearish gentleman, perhaps bringing him spinach and organ meats to get his iron back up.

Flush with victory, they return to Chrysopolis to chat with YHWH re the star apparently relocated by octopus magicks. The Lord has some SERIOUSLY bad news: the enemy has, indeed, hastened the apocalypse . . . by more than ten years!!! Suddenly all this side questing seem woefully inadequate. And subsequently asking about the Stone of Scone, which is in fact the missing component of Lia Fail but is no longer in Scotland--likewise. NEW PLANS ARE REQUIRED: but what shall they be?