Contracting with Secundus for our friends
May 17th 4PM
We rescued our three trapped companions. That’s the long and the short of it. Turned out that the chest that Can grabbed had no bottom. A few people took a trip to my home in order to talk to Themistoclea, but she wasn’t around. I was reeling from that punch, so I didn’t get a chance to go and talk to my friends back home.
Turns out that was mostly a bust. Some lacky named Calicerdidu came out and told us about modrons being compelled to guard the dungeon. Everyone decides to get some sleep. Can, with the foresight that only befalls a foolish fellow, accidentally saved the day. Some invisible creature tried to nab the chest, but he was wearing it upon his crown. Can fumbled the fool in his way out and he was bludgeoned to death. Clearly this is not the safest place to be. And so, we went to Bothrotum cast a forbiddance upon the sacred cemetery and rested for real. It is only then that I was brought back to health. From here Arben went to persuade the logical deity.
After much clarification the following contract was agreed upon:
Far as I can tell we got out without agreeing to very much. Just have to fill some forms before we go back in, and Arben must do all he can to try and convince blokes not to go into the place without also filling out forms. With the contract signed, our fellows were returned to us. They also heard the following echos:
- Do not easily shake hands with a man
- Abstain from eating animals
I, of course, got all this second hand because I didn’t go. I was glad to see Kolya again, and he told me all about what he knew. We’re still dawdling in this cemetery. I found the most amazing tree growing here so I think I’ll bury this note along with the beans that I usually leave with my notes.