Fixing the Book of Moons, Getting a New Riddle

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After raising from the dead all of the folks who perished versus the Corpse Tearer we decide to use the Tablets of Destiny to fix the Book of Two Moons. Mamun goes first, but it seems he was possessed by Vecna/Jan Seyoum while dead. So, he screws everyone by wishing that "The teeth should return to the house of the Master". This kills Af-af, and teleports all non-permanently-attached teeth to....somewhere. Alfodd trues next, and barely fails. That sucks balls. Finally Pip shows up and says she'll do it for half of our tournament winnings. No problem. The book is fixed, and we learn to our horror that "It's a Cookbook!!!". Also, it leads us to another riddle that we will need to solve in order to have success in our future Moon mission. We take off for Delphi, which we decide is where the second riddle probably is. We take down Python (great wyrm green dragon), then descend into the earth and hallucinate while fighting a ginormus Chimera, ginormus two-headed dog, and super-big Lernean Hydra. Tons of fun. Then we face a sphinx guarding this riddle rebus that is graven on gold sheets. We get it, and return home happy.

Commune on April 28:

 Have deer been to Mu? Yes
 Have dragons been Kandam? Yes
 Have deer been to Australia? No
 Have dragons been to North America? Yes
 Is Mamun controlled by Jan Seyoum? Don't Know
   Beshna? Don't Know
 Does Jan Seyoum have the teeth? Don't know
 Were there shenanigans involved in Snowflake's leaving the tournament? Yes (We mention this to the Laoites)