Following Alexander Party gets beaten up on the banks of the River Styx

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Akim and our new kensai friend get Imprisoned (mage 9) by some really nasty devils near the River Styx outlet in Nonacris.

We pass a haunted olive grove and the tomb of Kalos as we walk to Nonacris from the closest place we could teleport to. We meet six Greek ladies who turn out to be greater ghouls. We fight for a bit then Quiteria makes friends and we send the surviving ghouls up to see what's on the top of the cliff. They are attacked by eagles but we all follow them up. Then we are attacked by some nasty devils who imprison Akim and Ruber. We grab some water and flee, but (??) follows a devil's suggestion and drinks the water as we go. We cure his poison but return empty handed and down two party members.

Harald goes to ask Athena what happened. She gives us some vague hints and warns Harald to beware 20, 5, 12, 2. He then evokes Pezuzus to chat. He wants us to fetch him a brooch. He also promises Nici the Sword of Solomon he seeks if he will go dig a hole for him. Just a harmless hole, no tricks, for real. Nici does this, gets his emerald sword, and will totally never regret it. Out of gratitude he changes Gods, forsaking JHVH and turning to Pazuzaehh worship. Awesome.