Gwyn's big mouth and big stab

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Well that could have gone better.

We returned to the charming owanowous with a screaming black baby in tow. She informs us that this is Chubuzon, the child of the royal family of the Igbo—whom she will raise, and wed in order to ensure the doom of the zaza-mang. Also turns out that she’s allied with DIspater. Arben wanted to give the kid away and get out of there. Smart as this may have been in backwardlooking-sight, it was not meant to be.

So, she had said “no need for a bargain” then we found out she wanted the kid. I thought, in exchange for the kid, she should raise Marcella. Also, I was trying to explain to her that I have pull with some Viking poets, and I could get them to sing her praises all around the north, and that those praises would be greater if she raised my friend from the dead (it is a praiseworthy act). Basically, I’m being ULTRA REASONABLE AS ALWAYS. Gwyn was swearing away, and shooting his mouth of as perusual. Problem was, this gal could understand welsh somehow (who knows how) and she got pissed at the disrespect. I tried to calm her down, but Zombres started shooting his mouth of too? This is not a thing I’m used to.

So we leave and go to Transoxiania. I hang out there with Marcella’s body (well, actually I run around trying to keep some promises I made because I’m not a liar, but I’ll leave that for later).

Ibn Eunice and his wife decide to help the DG in this fight. I think this is downright noble of them. In fact, I would say that they are like unto the weasles, that noblest of mammal that might, on occasion, come pouring out of one of their cloaks.

[ to edit later when sense can be made of the fact that it was written down in a document composed by someone who wasn’t there. – This mid-battle update. Interesting fight. Gwyn stabbed the big O in the back effectively. Kolya drove off master and blaster. However, but of them are very badly off. Zombres was able to send an invisible guy with an animal head jutting out of the back of his neck into a chaotic state, and some guards have grown into hyena whose necks bear blasphemeing mouths. A Djinn was destroyed in the opening round. There are also a pair of metal beings of opposite sexes involved in this whole game. As a bystander, I see no hope]