House Rules

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Various House Rules as they apply in our gaming. You can list short ones here, the longer ones can have separate pages. (Please keep list in alphabetical order.) Note: If there are different house rules for Queens Group and Hoboken Group, please specify by adding (Q) or (H) respectively at the beginning of the rule you're describing. If no (Q) or (H) is listed, the rule applies to all. Halifax, feel free to add things here.

In addition to arguing things under the discussion tab per every page, you can discuss all sorts of things under General Discussion.

  • Learning Languages
  • Mugging Rules
  • Components
  • Spell Notes
  • Arms and Equipment
  • Hovering at Death's Door
  • Firing into Melee
  • Grabbing and Grappling
  • No crazy proficiencies - ie, blind fighting, healing, herbalism, and moutaineering are forbidden. Other non-weapon proficiencies such as tumbling can be taken, but they grant no bonuses to any rolls, nor do they allow special feats. In other words, don't try to powergame using proficiencies.
  • No critical hits or misses in combat - When you roll a 20, you still hit no matter what, but don't do double damage. When you roll a 1, you don't drop your weapon. I think this applies to combat only. I think you can critically fail a Find Traps roll or similar.
  • No infravision - Duh.
  • No poison - We have an agreement: we won't use poison on our enemies, and they won't use poison on us. Halifax gets around this by constantly turning us into stone or making us diseased from mummy rot and similar. And by using monsters with naturally occuring poison.
  • Rules for New Characters
  • Rules Clarifications, misc.