Lessons in Diplomacy

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While Harald, Lila, Quiteria, Alfod, Ellylw and Saiiq scribe scrolls and brew brews a sub party heads off to ask a troll about the corpse tearer - info courtesy of sigvaldi. The troll lives in Malla-borgi-la in Yompa land on the island of Frosen, near where we rescused Snorri. We mis-teleport, dunking Akim, Ruber and Dawa. Haizea turns into an eagle and slows Af-af's fall. We pass a wooden statue of Frey with an enormous Wang, which we propitiate with spices.

Ahead there is a large structure made of ice. We encounter some monster birds but convince them to leave us alone, and are let in to the ice castle. The troll is named Froger, he has two heads and four arms. Beside him is a Snow Lady and a Kobold - the famous Kormenac. We attempt to bargain for info on the Corpse Tearer but our clumsy attempts at diplomacy enrage Froger, who attacks us. Kormenac finds us quite charming and the kobolds hold back while the troll and soon the snow lady attack us. We finally talk them down and Froger agrees to play a question/answer game with us if we'll give the snowy lady a hug. We do, it is freezing but otherwise not unpleasant. Questions/answers as follows:

1) Name the steed who draws the sun into the sky - Skinfaxi Who/What is the floaty skull? At sights of great slaughter the negative energy forms around the skull of one of the slain, creating Sacerole. This creature has tentacles that choke, a terrible scream, and animates corpses which it sends to the Corpse Tearer for dinner.

2) What river divides the land of the gods from that of the giants? Ifing but we get it wrong, no question for us

3) Name of the field where the Gods fight the Yotens at the End of Days - Vgrith but we get it wrong, no question for us

4) Out of whose body was formed the earth and sky? Emir Where does the Corpse Tearer hide its treasure? It feeds jewels and metals to its friend. Other stuff is shuffled in a corner behind the sleeping chamber, past the cold waters.

5) When the blood of Emir drowned the giants, who survived? Burglemir How do we get inside the lair? There is a route through pestilent swamps with giant white fluffy worms, through cold waters, past many trolls, gem-eating friend