Letter from Zombres to Gershom ben Judah
From Record Of Fantasy Adventure Venture
Letter found in the bushes, written in Hebrew, later copied by Arben before being returned to Gershom.
If Gershom knew that someone had read his mail, he would be very unhappy.
Z to Ben Judah, greetings. I finally found the place in Rome, and found it a smoldering ruin. Just a few tantalizing hints remain -- a skeleton with the head of a bull, fragments of a statue. Simeon thinks it was a self-inflicted destruction, because we were getting too close, but I'm not so sure. When did this happen? Surely it was after my little stuny to get their attention. Anyway, there was no sign of the names. But let me worry about that -- you keep searching for the Founder. Also, I think I forgot to mention, but if you happen to find a potion of water breathing along the way, that would be boss. I'll give your love to Rachel. Ω