More undead than you can throw a stick at

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July 2nd and 3rd

After taking out that damn Super Mummy we decide that since everyone is currently unwounded we should try to take care of the ungodly number of undead that lie waiting in another part of the dungeon. We go and dispel the Wall of Stone that keeps them in their unholy dance hall, and them summon up some monsters (crocodiles and hell hounds are the order of the day). A big fight ensues, and we trounce a bunch of shadows, ghouls, ghasts, countless skeletons, and a wight. We use a burning Wall of Thorns to cut the undead in two groups, and the first group falls easily. Those inside the wall are toast. We foolishly decide to wait for the wall to burn out, and then face the second wave. This proves more difficult, and everyone ends up at a negative. We learn the source of the humming noise as a monkey-like being made of coral or some other stone-like substance in a honeycomb matrix comes at us, humming away. He takes out Saiiq while the rest of us run like hell. Harald fights a rearguard action, and narrowly saves Afaf from a shadow, while barely avoiding permanent injury and likely undeath. Saiiq gets taken off by the honeycomb monster. Ailyll turns into a small bird and goes to see what has become of him. She sees the honeycomb monster covering Saiiq in coral, and she manages to distract the monster long enough for Saiiq to break free. His heart doesn't explode, and he climbs a shaft into a small room. Ailyll outpaces the monster, and returns to the party. Harald gives her a note and some priest scrolls to take to Saiiq, just in case the honeycomb monster comes after him. Luckily it does not.

Everyone except Saiiq leaves the dungeon to heal up in order to perform a rescue mission. We realize that only Saiiq can cure Ailyll and Agav's mummy rot, so Harald and Adel go into the dungeon at low single digits. Daab is hanging around, and he acts a little suspiciously, talking to Harald and Adel before they reenter the dungeon. Though the two have Mirror Images Daab makes a cryptic comment, saying "You're not fooling anyone.". They blast the few remaining undead into pieces with Lightning Bolts, but the honeycomb monster gets away. Saiiq is rescued, and he promptly heals everyone's rot. He also found a dead priest in his hidey-hole, from whom he has recovered a magical robe and some magic incense, as well as a silver mace. We discover that Daab may have stolen Harald's spellbook, and decide to do something about that when we've healed up.

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