Prepares to Hack the Naga Cities
We check out Decca, talk with a cool four-horned deer, then keep going towards Thanjivor. Turns out East and West are not always the same, but eventually we make it.
RajaRajaChola(RRC) is a direct decedent of Alexander the Great, through his child Hercules. We head straight to the palace, following Fury, and all the guards just let us through. Nice! RRC is sitting on his throne, gets up to attack as we come waltzing in then changes his mind. We ask to speak with him in private and most of the people leave, 4 remain. They are:
- Netiridata, a greek looking immortal
- Fevor, an older local
- Asurkadian, a shifty and belligerent younger local
- Alu-Mutassa, a veiled figure from North India with a very ostentatious headdress
We talk about his children - he has a son and a daughter who died. He also has a sister, Kanaki. He is relieved to hear she is among our rescued maidens, and we make plans to deliver her.
Apparently an outlander recently faked a debt owed to Ladderlad by Gershom, when everyone knows it is Gerbertus who owed him, then also failed a math quiz. We sort that all out and all talk about how much we hate Attigat.
We fill RRC in on Kingu, Attigat and Tiamat. Attigat messed up RRC's unification of India. He was conceived at a particular time to become ruler of the world. Gerbertus went east to fix the timetable change. There is much Air between RRC and the enemy. Netiridata comes forward and says that my their calculations a star was placed in a trajectory that intersects with us, and will hit us at some point. Rumor has it that we were hit before by the other moon, killing the dinosaurs. He shows us some formulas.
We talk more about axes and apocali, maybe the axis will protect us from Nibiru? They know Dong Xong Sho Xu, he's meditating in Sagreeva's cave. Gamma Delta Alpha is Gerbertus d'Aurelac, duh. The original message is ot Chu Yan, a great mathematician and calligrapher. From Dong Jing, he is a Han line attendant (school of imperial calligraphy, or something like that) moved to Left Duty group. To progress further you must become a eunuch. Chu Yan wants a ring of regeneration. 999 -> 99 -> 9/9 RRC thinks this means September 9 this year. Netiridata freaks out, RRC looks at the mongoose.
RRC thinks it is time to summon the 9. Aul-Mutassa says people say in one of the Naga dungeons there is a treasure house with 10 treasure cells. One is generic, ring, rope, staff, dagger, pipes, whistle, book, gem, comb. Naga have lots of treasure. If we can get that ring they'll get it to Chu Yan.
Naga cities are huge, probably only part is warded. He hasn't heard of snakes in Nagapattinam, but gives us a signet ring to show the monks. Warns us that divination spells won't work inside Naga cities.
Lao's box says 'vermillion'.
We talk to the Naga gem, it doesn't like Ailyll at all and just insults us constantly. Ailyll turns into a snake and pretends to have eaten the nasty flesh-druid from before. Luckily the gem isn't too bright. It tells us no one else has stolen treasure from that room, though others have entered. The gem was a gift to lord Bali, who gave him to the undersea kings. It once illuminated the charnal pit in Decca. In spirit of triumph over all things avian he was brought in, but then the city became dark and sinister, so he was happy to leave. He doesn't know the way to Decca. Adventurers to the Gold City were probably seeking the Sword of Bali, which is likely still there. Also, we are probably in trouble for stealing this gem from the kings, and should return it soon to avoid terrible curses. Those who steal from the Naga 'lose a rib', perhaps like our hermaphrodite friend? He was a Hindra, the 'third sex' marginalized because their unused sexual energy leaks out as curses. We leave the other potion with them for identification.
Before we go Quiteria casts Succor on a stick and gives it to Harald, and we all rest.