Talk:Five Greatest Rogues

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Dan of Stamford: Now the Eorl mad it to the random hub-bub table does he get a mention on this?

Chris: It's true. Though I think Arben would have a fair shot in the runnings as well. We've got to at least be in the top ten now that we're the crown princes of crime. Surely we're up to more than Il Bandito Famioso. We're at least numbers 8 and 9, should the list be expanded.

Hal: Since Il Bandito is on the list and you are not, that means technically Wirshen is a better rogue than you.

Chris: Clearly, recent events require a readjustment to this list.

Kerry: Yup, Mamun needs to take the #1 spot. Go piracy!

Noah: Maybe in August of 988, but back here in June I think it's the Two Clown Princes of Crime who rule the scene.

Chris: Yeah, frankly another pirate with a seaborne thieves' guild and a worthy sword? Not an issue. I mean, come on, that's so 987. The real issue is, which clown prince of crime gets to on the list? Will Eorl's flying metal man routine earn him a spot? Or will Arben get the list based solely on his ability to influence the reaction of the judges? Or perhaps he'll merely petition to join the Five Greatest Rakes; more his style.

Noah: Yeah, Eorl would much rather not find himself on the list, all told. He's got enough people gunning for him already without the boost in reputation.

Hal: The list is, in fact, in alphabetical order.

Hal: I hear Aaronson and Zykowski are the new twin clown princes of crime.

Chris: You're thinking of the biggest gossips in Springfield.

Chris: Well, then clearly Arben should rocket to the top, at least until Aardvark Armond arrives on the scene.

Halcyon: Hey! What happened to me? Eorl, have you seen this list? Is this somehow your fault?

Eorl: Oh, man. That's gotta be wrong. They must have made a mistake somewhere. Also... why is Bashim here, and not, you know, dead?

Halcyon: Eorl, I have a plan.

Arben: What? Is this plan an angry letter to the editor! I swear, this rogue list is prejudiced against Bards. There's not even a token bard on here. Any way, what's your plan? I'm also here too, so you can tell me.