The Danger Gang Auxiliary Defeat Dr. Stupiferous...For Now

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While the Danger Gang Auxiliary rests snugly in their Secure Shelter until little St. Simon starts nibbling on Arben. He explains that he smells something funny. Arben tells whoever is on watch to take care of it; the priests and him need to get their spells back. This proves to be a mistake. Xenon looks outside and sees some rustling in the brush. Then, a heavy mist comes down the chimney. It's a Cloudkill. Xenon tries to kick out the door, but it seems to have been Wizard Locked. Arben, now fully awake, uses the wind dagger to shoot the cloud back up the chimney. Cyril almost dies, but Patricius casts a quick Slow Poison on him. Olybrius scuttles up the chimney and sees a black cloaked figure waving his arms frantically. He quickly executes a perfect backstab, but unfortunately this guy has a ton of hit points and is still standing. Arben quickly Dispels the Secure Shelter, hoping that that he'll come crashing to the ground, but the black figure floats gently in the air. It is is old nemesis, Dr. Stupiferous. Stupiferous laughs maniacly and tosses out some hack-kneed quips. Spear come flying out of the brush; they are surrounded by Troglodytes. They close ranks. Arben is foaming at the mouth, practically clawing over his compatriots to get at this Doctor, this emblem of everything that's terrible abot this stupid Kalalalt. The Trog's come charging in as Stupiferous flies out, proudly displaying a warty finger for some reason. A quick tune on the pipes of panic and a Hypnotic Pattern have thinned the numbers of Trogs at least. Olybrius Springs over them and right up in Stupiferous's face. It is then that Stupes pulls out his ace in the hole, a Troglodyte Golem.

After that is a terrible battle montage. Picture these thing happening in an order that would make sense:

  • Hail Stones raining on the just and unjust alike. Poor Mirella gets knocked unconscious.
  • Xenon, his cloak aglow, getting punched to pieces by the Golem.
  • Arben summoning a horde of giant rats and sicking them on Stupiferous.
  • The Troglodyte Golem falls.
  • Cyril gets beaten by a Troglodyte
  • Patricius whips a rock at Stupiferous, interrupting Finger of Death.
  • Olybrius leaps on Stupiferous's back and rips off his cloak.
  • Stupiferous slices Olybrius to a negative and holds him hostage.
  • Wirshin clocks Stupiferous in the face with a Spiritual Hammer, causing him to drop Olybrius. He takes flight.
  • Arben howls in the night as his foe slips through his grasp.
  • Wirshin picks up the cloak and changes into a bat. He gives chase after the flying Stupiferous.
  • Stupiferous makes himself Invisible, but bats have sonar.
  • Stupiferous summons some Shadows, but the majority don't listen.
  • The majority of monsters have fled the ground, seeing their leader abandon them. Patricius is doing triage.
  • Wirshin hits Stupiferous on the last round of his Spiritual Hammer, knocking him out.

Wirshin drags the floating Stupes back to the party. They strip him and gag him. Unfortunately, he doesn't have his spell book with him. Still, plenty of good stuff. Now, what to do with him.