The Danger Gang Leaves Chrysopolis

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Soon the whole Danger Gang is reassembled in Chrysopolis, and everyone is all caught up on whatever's been going on. Eorl then gives everybody a bunch of presents to prep them for their ride into politically hostile Macedonia in search of the treasures of Alexander the Great. They recieve word from Bacchus that it's going to be dangerous (which is good, because they are the Danger Gang) and that they should also check out Alexander's mother's grave.

They promise to send word back to Eorl via Arctophilus's trained bird and ride out to Constantinople. They soon realise that they don't know who Alexander's mother is (Angelina Jolie?) and so they stop the library to ask Danger Gang Reserves member Leo what he knows. They crash out in Constantinople and find out her name is Olympias, herself a worshipper of Bacchus in the form of Dionysus and is the granddaughter of Achilles. "Perhaps I'll find something to pay back that owe-ski" thinks Arben. Leo wishes them the best as they head northeast to the heart of Macedonia. After riding a day, encountering many local yokels giving them sideways glances, they camp out for the night. Martialis befriends a bird.