The Danger Gang Says, "Mummy, Schmummy!"

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The Danger Gang returns to the cave of The Brown One to relax and heal up a bit before making their next move. Karp takes a moment to extole the virtues of killing plants, but ends up just giving everybody the creeps ("You can't trust trees! Vines are rising from the ocean to steal our babies!" etc.). On the plus side, however, Tobin seems to have overcome his bought with melancholy and is ready for action. That's good news for everyone, because Martialis is chomping at the bit to fight that Mummy that gave Gershom the Rot. He's more anxious to find the guy that was mummified and subsequently Raised with Gershom's scroll. Ramble advises prudence in this matter, but he's shouted down by everyone's desire for danger and hatred of mummies. Arben spouts several theories as to how one could destroy a mummy, based on common knowledge. Unfortunately it's all B.S. (e.g. "Everybody knows Mummies are compulsive counters."). This does not instill Ramble with confidence, and he agrees to help only if they'll run if there's more than three dead guys coming after them. They agree.

They head over to Pella, and Martialis gives Ramble a potion of Rainbow Hues so that he can go explore the graveyard. Unfortunately, he shuffles about too much, and the undead buried there catch wind of him. They dig themselves up out of thr ground, and there are indeed more that three of them. He turns and runs at the sight of nine skeletons, two ghouls (one fast moving, the other kinda slow) and a mummy. Karp bears his mysterious holy symbol and mumbles something in Bulgarian, turning five of the skeletons Martialis grows some shrubbery around them, trapping all but the fast moving ghoul. The ghoul quickly goes after Karp and paralyzes him with his paralytic touch. Arben casts Levitate on the Mummy and dangles him above the ground, while Martialis casts Entangle on his shrubbery and Can casts Web; these undead aren't going anywhere. Ramble reluctantly reenters the melee to grab the paralyzed Karp and carry him to safety. Meanwhile, the rest of the Gang has taken out the fast moving ghoul. However, the Entangle is running out; they're going to have to do something about those other undead. Tobin tries to shoot an arrow tied with fishing line into the Mummy (so as to drag it away like a Mummy balloon), but it just bounces off. Fire is the only way to deal with this. After a few doses with oil and some Burning Hands from Can, they quickly deal with the undead in the shrubbery. The Mummy takes a little longer, but he's soon burned to ash.

They head back to the Brown One's cave for the night. Martialis sees that the moon isn't quite full, so he'll have to wait for his monthly Mistletoe harvesting. Ramble joins him and suddenly has a Eureka type of moment. He grabs the copy of Stratoniche's Map and holds it next to the moon. "It's the moon!" he proclaims joyously. Karp asks what's going on, but Arben quickly hushes it up. "Danger Gang business; it's Danger Gang business. Nothing to concern yourself with." Karp grumbles to himself about these jerks. On top of that, he finds some kind of mysterious moss in his bag; which greatly disturbs him. Martialis just says it's somekind that grows underground, nothing to worry about, but he's still worried.