The Danger Gang eat a giant goat and meet three demons
After a full day of travel into the cold mountains, the Danger Gang break to make evening camp. Barely have they done so when they are suddenly attacked by a tremendous goat (which Agathon points out is called a Flacl). The thing gores Kolya pretty good, but really, what's a goat to stand against the Danger Gang? It is soon felled and the camp circles to roast some delicious mutant goat meat.
After the bountiful meal, Agathon and Leo immediately fall ill unto death. As Gershom rises to sooth their aching tummies, from the growing shadows three stunningly handsome men step forth. They are literally -- literally -- charming. They take a particular interest in Zombres will have none of it and disbelieves their facade, revealing their true nature that of horned succubi! He shouts a Jewish prayer at them and the fight is on.
Turns out, succubi can sicken mortals at a touch. They can also teleport as a natural ability when the battles seems to be going south for them. Who knew? The ailments the three demons inflicted are cured by a dispel magic, and -- hey, whaddya know -- Agathon and Leo's food poisoning is cured as well.
The rest of the evening passes without incident.