The Moratanya Meets Its Match
From Record Of Fantasy Adventure Venture
Martialis picks up what he needs from Chrysopolis and flies back to meet the rest of the Danger Gang at the Kivot. En route he hears a cry rise from a town flies over, "Eek! It's the Martinyak!"
"What are those hicks yelling about," he wonders. Then he sees the dreaded Moratanya. Luckily, Marty is faster than the fowl fiend and is able to lead it back to the rest of the Gang. It drops one of its deadly eggs on Karl, and he becomes insubstantial. It's very frightening for him. The deadly claws paralyze Martialis. The rest of the gang is able to polish it off, though. It disappears in a puff of feathers. They laugh and laugh. Soon Marty is unfrozen and Karl resubstantiates. They set sail for Porthos.