The plot thins even faster than my hair

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Okay, so we find two people who were servants of the ward-guarder. Everyone acts like an idiot for a while except me and then we get one of them to help us out. He paints a tableau vivant of the death of his queen, Hora.

After we explore some more we find a mermaid, free her, and then get someone else to serve ibn Eunice, a favor for which he agrees to go back in time with us.

We do this, we find out that we probably shouldn’t have done this. Kolya starts to melt and it is very upsetting to me. That man is my rock in so many ways. We make our way out, and I see a chaos worm shooting at us as we slip back.

After that waste of time we go talk to Nicea, who does exist. She let’s me know that she’s taken care of the ring, so I don’t need to feel too bad for having lost it. She also lets us know that Upasius was the first to bind the chaos worm, not that I’m sure why Zombres cares. When he talks to rocks I can at least follow what he’s driving at. Here, I have no idea. Two of Harald’s crew are stuck in the past forever trying to find a pre-genocided two-headed snake. Still at a loss, we ask the loud voice from no where that knows everything the following 13 questions (which have been mostly rendered into statements that reflect his response). Are Hakeem and Heliodorus still searching for a seal? (at the moment no) 1. If all the wards are breeched, it is their intention to use kampsoros as the core of the shadow moon 2. Kampsoros is not keeping something else in, in addition to this thing. 3. To further their plan, hakeem and heliodorus will not need to hack the pyramid 4. It would probably not behoove us to hack the upside down pyramid to thwart their plans 5. H & H are not in ninevah (or environs) right now 6. Against these two alone, we would stand a chance 7. They do not know the current location of the woman described to us by farat the marid 8. They are not still looking (they think it is checked off) 9. Orcus cave exploration is probably not worth our time 10. is it worth our time to go to ninivah 11. It will go badly for h&h if they try to do their thing with a ward still in place 12. have we stopped them? Well, no.

Just to make sure our bases are covered, we go to the cave of the jackle and talk to our pal the shedu, who has killed a lot of zim. He helps us find the party that slew Hora. We meet them, and our reputation had not proceeded us. This miffed some members of our party—and the fact that we thought Africa so small that any action we undertook there would have been known throughout miffed them. We solve this miffing with a champion battle. If we win, they guard a ward for us. If they win, we take them close to china (where they are trying to get the zim back from lao). We did not win.