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Character: Gwyn

Male Human 4th Level Thief

Str: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 17 Dex: 17 Con: 15 Cha: 13

Physical Description: Gwyn is 20 years old, a slender young man standing 5'10" and 140 lbs. He is a serious and thoughtful person with a skeptical streak, determined to seek his own answers rather than relying on others to filter information down to him. He has ash-blonde hair, green eyes, and a pale complexion (coincident with the "salubrious weather" in Northern Wales).

Languages spoken: Greek, Welsh, Gaelic. (Two extra slots open).

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Backstory: Gwyn is the spawn of local gentry in Ynys Môn (English: Island of Anglesey). His family had long since converted to Christianity, but as heir to the original line of pagan rulers, he grew up with a certain sense of the old religion, and developed a suspicion about the official mythology as he tried to reconcile family stories with the standard line he heard from local priests, etc. After meeting with some Druids traveling through Wales, he has come to see the Church (as political structure) as the architecture of an oppressive invading alien force within Wales. He is currently engaged on a personal quest to seek the Gods of the Old Religion for himself.

Gwyn is not well-liked by local leaders of the Church in Wales after "rearranging" certain formerly-pagan holy sites now under the authority of the Church. He is suspected of reallocating the Church's collection plate to local beggars, "borrowing, bartering, and redistributing" articular artifacts of holy Christian significance at pagan sites, heretical vandalism at a holy well, and generally of being a heretic. He removed to Ireland to spare his family the embarrassment of receiving a witchcraft accusation on his behalf, delivered by irritated Church authorities.

Current Status: Gwyn is currently traveling with the Danger Gang. He's pretty inexperienced and has only left Northern Wales last year, where he traveled with his friend Diogenes to Ireland, picking up Gaelic and Greek in the process. His motivation for traveling was first to seek the Gods, but now to generally expand his horizons and learn more about the natural, human, and supernatural world.