While Resting At Regio, The Danger Gang Make Some New Friends
The Tigriss cruises into Regio, and the Danger Gang decide to hit up the local night spots to roll on the rumor table. Turns out there was Jewish fella there and he was talking about who had ascended into heaven without dying. The good Christian local boy lists Enoch and The Virgin, those being the clear choices. The Jewish guy rattled off all these other people, who apparently learned Plane Shift at some point, people like Evad Malach, Jabez, Joshua ben Levi, and also a bird named Milham. Seems this Jewish fella wasn't alone, but had several other Jewish guys with him, including one that would kick ass at arm wrestling while screaming out "For David ben Boaz and The Zeez" (presumably his favorite drive-time radio zoo crew).
That's pretty weird. The Gang goes back to the boat to rest for the night. That night, a mysterious stranger leaves a note for them, reading:
I hear you've been asking questions. We want to talk to Gershom. Signed, Gideon
They tell the mysterious stranger that they'll meet up in the morning.