Q&A with Al Khidr
From Record Of Fantasy Adventure Venture
This a a page for questions Harald has asked Al Khidr and the answers he received. Feel free to add questions under the appropriate subheadings. I am going on a text-by-text basis for the most part.
- Misc.
- Q: Can you ID any of the loot we got from Evelake?
- Nope.
- Q: Ditto for the mist that surrounds him.
- Not really. It is fairly recent.
- Q: And the demon in his basement?
- Sounds like a demodand. Likely asking for a service, but might be about politics.
- Q: Who are the Donestrae?
- Ass-men, duh. Not cannibals.
- Q: What is their Book of Life?
- Jive. They just have ESP.
- Q: Can you ID any of the loot we got from Evelake?
- Al Khidr himself
- Q: What are your powers?
- Mostly healing. Can cast Restoration, Remove Curse, Raise Dead, True Seeing, Animate Object.
- Q: Do you have any pals who might still be around?
- Every Muslim ever.
- Q: How did you get trapped in Nemi?
- Evelake tricked him into killing the old Nemi King.
- Q: How could you get free?
- By being killed, or maybe by cutting a deal with the local deity (ie, Artemis of Nemi).
- Q: What are your powers?
- Morkoth Riddle Pointing to the 50 Names
- Q: Do you know any of the names of God?
- Nope.
- Q: When did the Names get distributed? Who learned them, and where did they go from there?
- Everyone used to know them; several were put onto magic items to power them. Lost during Babel incident. Moses get them again, and put them into the ark. Solomon distributed them to the tribes from the Ark.
- Q: What are the Names good for?
- Some B minions are vulnerable to them (acts like Holy Word), but matching name of god to minion may be tough. (1 Name/round/person).
- Q: What happened to Serah?
- She was worshipped as a Goddess by a lost tribe or something. She also may have married Siebel, Bek of the Khazars.
- Q: Where did Issachar go?
- Went to Europe.
- Q: Ditto for Asher.
- Who knows? Maybe River of Stones.
- Q: Ditto for Efraim.
- (Gives some info that leads me to deduce that they are the Khazars).
- Q: Other lost tribes?
- Some tribes beyond the river of stones. Manasseh went to China, then back to India, where they remain. General Khaled found Zebulon in Afghanistan, and converted them to Islam. Dan might be far to the North (ie, the Danes), and Naptali went furthest East.
- Q: What's up with the Masons and the names?
- Q: Do you know any of the names of God?
- Al-Aziz
- Q: Hey Al Khidr, let me summarize this so you won't go mad. Now, any idea where the moonscar is?
- Serene of Syria gave a lot of this info. False messiah with ancient wisdom, or something. Kayumarth was first King of the Whole Damn World. He ceded authority to his son Tieamek, retired to a cave. Fought a bunch of titatontheres. Son Huschek fought a bunch of titan types. Around time of Enoch.
- Q: Also, or perhaps therefore, where and what is Lucifer/Promethues?
- Q: Who lived through the Flood, and how and where?
- Got a list.
- Q: Are these dates correct? i.e., World created in 9514 BC, Flood in 7964BC.
- Yep.
- Q: What is the Black Ball? Why is it important?
- Rumors say it floats around, don't touch it. Like a big malevolent sphere of annihilation.
- Q: Who wrote this? Is it accurate?
- Seems OK.
- Q: Who is the Wanderer?
- Ahasuerus. Compelled to wander about.
- Q: Who is the German?
- Germanus- Half Syrian, half Roman orphan. A childhood friend of Ahasuerus. Also immortal. Known for his magical skill; kind of a fraud/con artist.
- Q: What/where is the Shawl of Job? Is this just a metaphor for extreme suffering?
- A magic item (three shawls)- 1 given to each daughter. Each has a power: 1 lets you ascend to heaven. Aliha ben Abuya (tribe of Manasseh)- dualist heresy, saw Metatron sitting down.
- Q: Hey Al Khidr, let me summarize this so you won't go mad. Now, any idea where the moonscar is?
- Amentaris and Kallikrates
- Q: What is the meaning of the friezes we saw in Kor (sick old man, forced to drink something, then dead)?
- Maybe mummification process.
- Q: Who is the "old philosopher" at the mouth of the Cave of the Fire of Life and Death?
- 2 fires- Life and Death, and Death. Look the same, and both drain magic. Go for the one on the right. Don't eat the body of an immortal from the pillar.
- Q: Who is Ayesha, and what is her story?
- Attar has a similar story to Ayesha. Entered pillar with lover, but only one made her roll. Attar still wanders deserts. Noat and Jedderlace did the pillar.
- Q: What are her powers and items?
- Strike you dead by gesture. Detach her head and fly around. Learned how from two ladies, one East one North.
- Q: Who founded Kor, and what happened to turn everyone there undead?
- Folks just turn undead for no reason everywhere.
- Q: Where did the Kor Aboleth come from?
- Aboleth in Throne of Solomon (in Persia), Kor. Throne of Solomon, site of a sacred fire (now gone out). Bottomless lake.
- Q: What's up with the Aboleth in general? Are they octo-allies?
- Selfish jerks. Like collecting lore. Dangerous.
- Q: What is the meaning of the friezes we saw in Kor (sick old man, forced to drink something, then dead)?
- Q: Table of Solomon info?
- In Spain, owned by Visigoths, taken by Arabs. It has a gameboard on it, and the pieces have real-life effects. Very old, elven.
- Q: Table of Solomon info?
- Antediluvian Hebrew Message to the Future
- Q: Read this. It was with some emerald tablets with the genealogy from Adam. What are those? Can they be reformed?
- Meh.
- Q: Who is Huyim?
- Don't know
- Q: Carvas?
- Don't know
- Q: Hashem?
- God
- Q: Raad?
- Don't know
- Q: What are the 7 continents in modern parlance?
- All of these remain in one form or another after Noah's Flood. Kandam was where N America is. Muror, aka Mu, low-lying and wiped out by flood. Now a series of Islands that were the Mountains of Mu (far, far to the East, past Japan). Noah's sister got some Muians out of the Flood. Kandam was teleported to S Pole, renamed as Land of Ghosts, aka Lemuria. Beshna's tomb somewhere in S Africa. Atlantis existed while Al Khidr lived, he's been there when it floated. West of Europe, not as far as Kandam. Atlantis disappears 4k years ago, no trace or survivors, no evidence found beneath the sea. Jungleland settled by Muror fugitives. Vague rumor, S hemishere, south of Kandam. Known antediluvian, but not since the flood. Southeast of Asia, small continent, west of Muror. Beautiful and fertile (dreams of southern fertile). Something happened, now less fertile and so on.
- Q: Where do the Pre-Adamite Kings rest?
- Qaf?
- Q: Do you know of the Tailed Men?
- Yep. Spoke to them. King Arthur fought them. Don't know Babel. They all speak one unconfused tongue.
- Q: Did they attack near the fall of the Tower?
- Nope, near the Trojan war. Went raiding after a bunch of elves funeral ships washed up on shore, went to find source of riches. Tough, but not enough to settle.
- Q: Read this. It was with some emerald tablets with the genealogy from Adam. What are those? Can they be reformed?
- Black Cube Poems
- Q: What is the oldest version of this Thom rhyme that you know? Is it about Thom Didymus?
- Predates Didymus. Oldest version Tomos (means "a cut; a cutting; a slice; a part of a book"). Ask Caesar Minor.
- Q: What is the oldest version of this Thom rhyme that you know? Is it about Thom Didymus?
- Commentary on the Wheel of Fortune
- Q: Where are the 9 Cities, and what are their characteristics?
- Random stuff
- Indians-9 Unknown men planned to breed a world-conquerer.
- Kayamarth - last king of the world. Abdicated to son Ciamek, Kayarmath returned to throne for revenge. Grandson Huschenk, may have beat the Mehesirs (fish-headed men who raided the land) to extend dominion to whole world. Then Tamarath, etc.
- Bathhouse bandit (Hermisionax) fought a pope.
- Buthrotum attacked by a lich named Alexander (not Arab). Snake god priest. Jews fought him off, "his god, being a snake, is not even kosher."
- Sword Gallatine makes you strong with the sun. also called Caldabolg. Also Girdle of Thor.
- nimrod's cup- nullifies poisons placed into it.
- Cave of treasures- In Armenia, has most of Nimrod's treasure. A guy named Mahir is imprisoned there (not really, it's really Zahak). He is bound by chains, and a spinning set of wheels. if you stop the wheels, he gets loose.
- Cretan Text
- Q: Who were the People of the Sea referred to here?
- Tailed men
- Q: How does Greek chronolgy match with Biblical chronology? Can we get dates for both sets of events in a modern calendar?
- Fall of troy == Samson;
- Dionysius invades India == Moses
- Rustam == King David
- Q: Who were the People of the Sea referred to here?
- Diadocomachia
- Q: Where are the main Mithraic temples?
All over. Latest one is Britain (probably). Try London, and Vendobala (near Hadrian's Wall).
- Q: What did Kalanos know, and where is he?
- Who knows?
- Q: What/where is the speaking eyeball?
- Q: What did Kalanos know, and where is he?
A vision in City of Dreams.
- Q: What/where is the chariot of birds?
- Nimrod had a flying chariot, flew up and came down with God's blood on an arrow (a trick, not real God's blood). Chariot made in China, 3k years ago.
- Q: What/where is the horn of Tengree?
- Cyrus had a ring of wishes. His son used one to conquer Egypt, another guy used one to open a queen's tomb, ended up in Persian treasure. Alexander used the last wish to construct the Horn. Prophesied that his empire would be destroyed by followers of Tengree, so made horn to stop that. Giant brass horn, blown by wind. As long as it blows no follower of Tengree can approach. Tengree god of steppe nomads.
- Q: What is up with the Armenian ghost dwarves?
- Evil jerks.
- Q: Read this: "Semiramis, gift of the sea (who did what Aiesia could not do yet could not do what Aiesia did)". What is that all about?
- Who knows?
- Q: Read this: "some miraculous herbs from the desert’s heart, located by a dragon in a dream". Which herbs, and where in the desert?
- Who knows?
- Q: Do you know any of the songs of Evius?
- Nope
- Q: Where are Themiscrya and Melitene, and why do they fight each other?
- Q: Who is Prometheus' son, Ahla?
- Q: Where did Caligula put the arms, armor, and so-called body of Alexander?
- In his butt.
- Q: Who did (Caligula? Nero?) battle for the trident of Cleitus?
- Q: Does the trident do more than fish command? Need it be activated by dedication to Neptune?
- Q: Who all can "go west"?
- Indians, Muians, Old elves, Finns
- Q: What sword did Perdiccas have, and where did it end up?
- Q: How did Ptolomy enslave the sons of Proteus?
- He didn't; they were just his subjects, and he could see through their jive with the Fingernail.
- Q: Who, what, and where are the Hunbarbidae?
- 7 splendors of Humbaba.
- Q: Who killed Cleopatra?
- Who knows?
- Q: What does the anchor ring do?
- Decapitation.
- Q: Who can wield it with safety?
- The Lord of Asia
- Q: What happened to Alexander's diadem?
- Who knows?
- Q: Where/who are the Argippaei?
- Cyclopes
- Q: What happened to Alcimus' armor?
- Who knows?
- Q: What/where is the chariot of birds?
- Essential Unity of Greek and Egyptian Religions
- Q: Who are the Subba, and where did they go?
- Excerpt from the Chronica of F.M.A. Cassiodorus Senator
- Q: Did Qabar hadra survive the polar expedition?
- Yes, took up Pelinor's Questing Beast quest, wasted his life. Died in Britain.
- Q: Do any amphisbeana remain? Where?
- No
- Q: Did Qabar hadra survive the polar expedition?
- Fragments in Cassandreia
- Q: Who wrote the Life of Ikulu? What happened to it?
- Who knows?
- Q: Who wrote the Life of Ikulu? What happened to it?
- Fragment Regarding 'Mu' from a Greek Miscellany
- Q: Read this, and explain it. Particularly, where was/is Mu?
- See above. Nakal become Pockahockeh.
- Q: Read this, and explain it. Particularly, where was/is Mu?
- The Golden History of the Sword of David and its Magnificent Scabbard
- Q: What happened to the hammer of Judah?
- Who knows?
- Q: Where did Nacien and his descendants end up?
- Who knows?
- Q: So, Arthur drew the Sword of Mordaenus, which later broke. What was this sword, and was it reforged?
- Not reforged.
- Q: Did Gawain draw the Sword of David? Where did it end up?
- Q: What does the Grail look like? Who last had it, and where?
- Cup carved from a single stone
- Q: What do all of these swords do?
- Who knows?
- Q: What happened to Excalibur and the scabbard?
- Returnd to Nimue.
- Q: What happened to Mordaenus' shield?
- Nimue probably got it.
- Q: What happened to the hammer of Judah?
- Greek Treatise on Eternity
- Q: Who is Admetus?
- Deathless king of Thessali.
- Q: Who is Atar?
- A woman who went through Kor. Came out nuts. Wanders deserts in Arabia.
- Q: Who is Nicholas of Myra?
- Saint Nick.
- Q: What's up with Ahasuerus?
- Wandering Jew
- Q: Who is Admetus?
- Hadith of Muawia
- Q: What do you know about the Glitter Gates?
- Q: Who all can pull this ba/ka split off?
- Q: How?
- Hagobad Speaks
- Q: Do you remember the original text?
- Written down by Philistines from looking in the ark.
- Q: Can you ID any of the monsters mentioned?
- Nope
- Q: Do you know how to use the 50 names?
- They each correspond to an enemy demon, and saying the Name dispels that demon.
- Q: Do you remember the original text?
- Hinduism Spreads
- Q: What "unbelief" was spread in the North by the Hindus?
- Igwulf's Obelisk
- Q: Do you know what the hell these Finnish things are?
- Ikulu's Lament
- Q: What do you know about the spear that slumbers until plunged into the heart of a volcano? What happens then?
- Sticks to your hand forever, gets more powerful.
- Q: How were the tailed men turned back when they attacked the Hittites? Was it the tower falling into the sea?
- Q: Do you know Hedamu?
- Not really.
- Q: What do you know about the spear that slumbers until plunged into the heart of a volcano? What happens then?
- Ikulu's List
- Q: Where can we find a roc? Is the Zeez one?
- Mozambique.
- Q: Are any amphisbeana left?
- Nope.
- Q: What do you know about time travel?
- Nothin.
- Q: How about Ramses II?
- He's a bad dude.
- Q: Where is the dragon turtle?
- Indian Ocean
- Q: What can you tell us about rakshasas, and how do you ID a rukh?
- True Seeing
- Q: Where can we find a roc? Is the Zeez one?
- Inscription on the Empty Casket of Noria
- Q: What remnant of Enoch is she talking about?
- Who knows?
- Q: What is the genealogy from Adam on down that you know?
- Who knows?
- Q: What is this about? "And Norea speaks concerning the two names which create a single name, and the three bodies which create a single body"
- Gnostic texts make my head hurt
- Q: What remnant of Enoch is she talking about?
- Inscription on the Monument to Philip II outside Thessaloniki
- Q: What do get for an eye?
- Actually, Igwolf could cast a spell where you pluck out an eye and in exchange she can use your remaining eye like a wizard eye spell.
- Q: Do you know the "price list" here?
- Nope
- Q: What do get for an eye?
- Legends of Prometheus
- Q: Where is he? Is he Satan?
- In the Caucasus mts, not Satan. Satan fell farther and deeper. Prometheus has not melded with or become the mt, at last not last time Al Khidr checked. Chains are very hard to break.
- Q: Where is he? Is he Satan?
- Letter from Cn. Julius Agricola to his grandson, M. Claudius Cornelius Tacitus
- Q: "For the Formorii say that before them the land had been swept free of all life by the waters, and the followers of Caesara, daughter of Bittus, daughter of some fellow named Noas, were all killed except one sorcerer." Who?
- Finton, Kesare's husband. "The white ancient". Now dead.
- Q: "For the Formorii say that before them the land had been swept free of all life by the waters, and the followers of Caesara, daughter of Bittus, daughter of some fellow named Noas, were all killed except one sorcerer." Who?
- The Life of Al-Khidr, the Green Man
- Q: Is this accurate? Care to elaborate on anything?
- The Little Book of Al-Wathiq
- Q: Do you know this guy?
After my time.
- Q: How about other major undead jerkfaces?
- Q: Any holes in the story?
- Q: How do you get to Qaf?
- Time moves at a different rate (a lot faster than here). Beware of the Garden of Roses. In Caucuses, find a genie, ask him.
- Q: What's there?
- Loads of Genies on flying thrones. 19 cities.
- Q: What do these magic pictures do?
- Q: Who is Karabasmos?
Notes on the Legacy of Zalmoxis' Bloodstone
- Nisroch is an Eagle god. Some say that Sennacherib found a piece of wood and declared it a god. Souls of Men who died when fighting Hezichiah coalesced into the bloodstone. Tomi also called Tomis, a Greek colony in Sycthia. Where Medea cut her brother up and threw him into water. Tomi, like Tomos, to cut.