Aerdrie Faenya

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Goddess of air and weather, she is known as Rain-Bringer and Sky-Mother. She is considered special protector of birds and other winged creatures, some of whom act as her messengers.

When an elven couple wishes to conceive, they petition Aerdrie Faenya with fervent prayer and offerings of herbs and incense. After the goddess is convinced that their dedication is genuine, she sends the pair a subtle sign, usually in the form of a bird, and soon after, the elfmaid will conceive. It can take years -- or even decades -- to receive Aerdire Faenya's benediction, however, and conception will occur only once or twice in an elfmaid's earth-bound lifetime.

This is illustrative of a typically elven paradox: the fertility goddess seems fickle, but she is ultimately guarding against the elves' own whimsical nature to ensure expectant parents are ready for the responsibility of raising an elfling.

Music (specifically wind instruments), song and the aerial arts are considered sacred to her, as are lovemaking and marital vows (neither of which is the province of Hanali Celanil, as one might expect).

The sky is considered to be entirely Aerdrie Faenya's dominion, and thus the elven taboo of eating only flightless birds is specifically to appease her.

Aerdrie Faenya is also known by the strange epithet Gabele Isis, although what this means, and what her relation to the Egyptian Isis might be remains a mystery, lost in the swirling mists of time.