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Resided in the One-Year Dungeon amongst his children who were all killed by the Old Party.

He seemed to complain that Igwolf stole his magic book.

Information on his early days is available in Genesis 4

The Qu'ran recounts the circumstances of Cain's murder of Abel in 5:27-31 (The Table), but mentions nothing else:

    5:27 AND CONVEY unto them, setting forth the truth, the story of the two sons of Adam -how each offered a
         sacrifice, and it was accepted from one of them whereas it was not accepted from the other. [And
         Cain] said: "I will surely slay thee!" [Abel] replied: "Behold, God accepts only from those who are
         conscious of Him.
    5:28 Even if thou lay thy hand on me to slay me, I shall not lay my hand on thee to slay thee: behold, I
         fear God, the Sustainer of all the worlds.
    5:29 I am willing, indeed, for thee to bear [the burden of] all the sins ever done by me as well as of
         the sin done by thee: [but] then thou wouldst be destined for the fire, since that is the requital
         of evildoers!" 
    5:30 But the others' passion drove him to slaying his brother; and he slew him: and thus he became one of
         the lost.
    5:31 Thereupon God sent forth a raven which scratched the earth, to show him how he might conceal the
         nakedness of his brother's body. [And Cain] cried out: "Oh, woe is me! Am I then too weak to do what
         this raven did, and to conceal the nakedness of my brother's body?" - and was thereupon smitten with