Old Party

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Also known as the Original Party or Best Party Ever.


Back at the dawn of time King Kjaraval of Kebnegard's daughter Mengloth was kidnapped by the Tailed People. The King's nephew, Orm, accompanied a band of adventurers in search of her. They were:

While stopping at Greenland on the way to Vinland we picked up:

Hvdm died in an American dungeon, and Famous Seamus died heroically in battle with Wogni, a tailed person priest. Mengloth was rescued, and Innocence and Droolmouth retired to farm in Sweden on the way back. They kept a tailed prisoner, Prie. Back in Kebnegard Kjaraval and his sons had been killed by his brother Kjallak, Orm's father. Two new members joined the party:

We went into the One-Year Dungeon in order to find and kill the dragon Gunlag, which was terrorizing Kebnegard. Pip and Thorazine died in the dungeon. We gained henchmen, Abala the swanmay (Pip's henchmen, killed by a devil sword-wielding Helgi), and Hler (ancient elf). Helgi and Hler died fighting the dragon. Harald snuck off in the night with much booty, and Xanax retired to tend his flock.