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Small kingdom located far to the north in Sweden.

Ruled by King Orm. Former kings include Kjallak and Kjarval.

Prominent citizens include: Princess Mengloth, Agnia (a.k.a. Innocence), Thorbjorn (a.k.a. Xanax), Miaslav (a.k.a. Droolmouth).

Prominent prisoner includes: a Tailed person

Old Party buried a lot of gold here that has probably been discovered and used by King Orm.

After Orm failed to secure assistance from Kiev, Kebnegard fell to an invasion of frost giants. Orm's castle was burned to the ground, the citizens scattered, and the kingdom was reduced to whichever patch of ground Orm and his allies were on at any given moment. The Byzantine Envoys have arrived to help restore this stronghold against the Octopuses and expect to get their due credit this time.