The Chrysopolites Figure Out How To Help Out Basil

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Eorl remembers they had to take care of something; the funeral for Hlotius. Arben gathers up the merry drunks to form a suitable funeral procession and they head over to Nicomedea. Hlotius's poor mother is quite distraught, as is to be expected. They say they owe her one, her son died bravely, etc.

Once they're back in Chrysopolis, Arben gets Ruth on the horn. They agree to send Abner to the front lines with the oil of acid resistance, some magic arrows, the wall of thorns scroll, and the written copy of wall of wind. They agree to a plan for fighting the Black Dragon involving a V with the walls so that the archers have time to shoot down the dragon before Phocas's army wades into them. She says that Basil II is still a little down in the dumps, so they decide to give him a ring.

Basil is indeed still moping in his tent. They try to cheer him up; tell him history is on his side. He says that he has two of the objects needed to hold the Slayer Of Men at bay; all he needs is the Crown of Dido. The boys say they'll track it down for him and they're sending out stuff to help him deal with the dragon. Soon everything will be back on track. He seems to be a little more motivated, but maybe not that much.

They send out Abner with the supplies for the front lines. Arben gathers up the literate drunks for a booze cruise to the library. They find out that the Crown of Dido is one of the three treasures of the ancient kingdoms, or one of the treasures of the three ancient kingdoms, something. Anyway, it's supposed to be in Rome. He knows that the boys are headed that way, so he figures he'll drop them a line once they're in the area.