The Danger Gang Investigates The Ghost City Of Orinopolis

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The Danger Gang wakes up early and set sail so as to be closer to the library Xenofontos. Before they can roll out, a local monk overhears them discussing the nearby ghost city of Orinopolis. He asks them not to go up there. He says people have investigated, there's nothing to see, nobody can understand the ghost language, there's no point; the usual stuff. He also claims that the man-headed donkey that guards the town has detected as Lawful Good, so if he doesn't want people in there, it's probably for a good reason. They agree to take that into consideration, then sail out to Xenofontos.

Once there, they get a few interesting texts, including a Letter from Cn. Julius Agricola to his grandson, M. Claudius Cornelius Tacitus, The Refutation and Overthrow of Contemporary Heresies, and the Song of Lebanon, or The Ballad of Qabar Hadra. Karl yells at the librarian who reads the Refutation to him; upset that someone would slander Garl Glittergold thusly, and the librarian patiently explains that he didn't write it, he's just reading it to him.

With that they thank the librarians. Martialis gives them a nice tip and the Gang returns to the Kivot. Zahrah thanks them for the text on Qabar Hadra. It is agreed that the monk they encountered was probably some kind of chicken and so they should go check out Orinopolis.

They arrive at that part of the peninsula just after dark and head up the side of the mountain. They climb up to Orinopolis and find the man-headed donkey (which they decide to call a Shedu). It speaks some kind of gobbledy-gook that no one can understand. They do get the idea that he doesn't want them going in there, though. Keen eyed Marty spies some sort of wild eyed old man running around in there, and he tries to tell the Shedu, but he doesn't seem to be getting the message. Gershom casts Tongues on him, but it doesn't work. This guy is incomprehensible. They decide to hang it up.

Back at the Kivot, they bed down for the night. Before bed, Marty Summons a few seagulls and a few dolphins and tells to track down Barnacle Bashim. They say they'll give it a shot.