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Item Description Location Item Acquired Distribution Among PCs or NPCs
Axe of Fair Game (+2) Two-handed axe that does damage as a halberd. Sometimes the damage done heals the wielder, sometimes it hurts the wielder and heals the opponent. Found in the Granatus Dungeon Formerly Carried by Gur, lost in the Karmathian Tower.
Axe of Free Action (+1) While grasping the weapon, acts as Free Action spell is cast on the user. Also, never gets in the way while climbing, digging, and so on. Also, gives a +1 bonus to Thac0 and damage. Grabbed by Reynaldo after Thalia killed a Minotaur on the Greek Islands. Neither she nor Jean-Claude wanted it. Owned by Reynaldo (Personal Item)
Belt Knife Knife +3. Can be concealed as a belt-buckle Found in Psoikanthe Party Item, used by JC for a long time, now carried by Justinian
Black Bastard Sword Evil magical bastard sword, last wielded 75 years ago by Novgorodian fighter Olga Ponyatevna before most recent appearance. Takes over wielder's mind while enhancing fighting abilities. Able to detect and block scrying, could possibly teleport or cast illusions. Increases aggression to a murderous level. Found in Tarot Dungeon cave during Siege of Novgorod. Recovered and lost by Byzantine Envoys, wielded by Sabota, hopefully destroyed when thrown down a pit in Baba Yaga's Hut
Bow of Thorns Long bow, can cast Wall of Thorns when Greek "Thorn" is spoken and the bow is struck on the ground. Allows the wielder to pass without a trace. Also works as a Staff+1. Taken from Fraxena, a Throkian. Party Item, carried by Ailyll
Cesti Deal damage based on to hit roll. Base is 1d6, but higher rolls means 2d6 or 3d6(for 20) ???? One was taken by the Throkians, another one was left by us in the Demon Emperor's dungeon under Constantinople. Now both are probably in Constantinople.
Clord Club +1 or Short Sword +2. Blade swings out of the club, and if you're not careful, will cut off your fingers. The Hilarious Tomb of Stratoniche Currently held by Arben, held by Ramble in the past. Lent to Zahrah while battling Auxieros.
Fire Sword Short sword +1. When "Fiat Incendium" is spoken it bursts into flame. Greek Islands, the one with the mummy. Used by Eorl to kill Byzantine peasants, but stolen by the Ortheans
Hammer of St. Afinagan War Hammer +1, Returns when thrown to the one wielding it. Gift from the Duchess Anna Ivanovna of Kiev. Personal Item of Edward the Penitent.
Hand ax +1 It's +1, baby Randomly generated in the Bird Dungeon Lost during our single and yet ill fated attack on the Throkians in Constantinople
Hittite Bone Sword (+3 vs undead and automatons, +2 vs insects and arthropods, +1 otherwise) A bone sword that has no sheath, but is instead covered with a thick layer of living flies on the blade. When wielded the flies hover in a cloud over the wielder's head. Blood must be shed on the blade for the flies to return, and it has a spur with which to prick your thumb should you draw the sword and cut no one. Found in the Antioch Dungeon Carried by Mamun or Agav
Javelin of Minos It always hits its target, but does only normal javelin damage(1d6/1d6) Found in the Granatus Dungeon Used by Justinian, stolen by a Black Elf in the Castle of Maidens.
Masonic Bastard Sword (+1) Masterwork bastard sword with +1 bonus to THAC0 and Masonic symbols (compass and square) engraved on hilt. Gift from the Duchess Anna Ivanovna of Kiev. Owned by Wong (Personal Item).
Spear (+2) Magic spear with +2 bonus to Thac0 and damage; according to the Duchess Anna Ivanovna, this poetic fragment is important to the wielder of the spear: "with burning spear and horse of air"; glowed promisingly when in the vicinity of lava inside Kebnekaise Gunther found it somewhere; this information is possibly lost with him Party Item, in Ivan's possession. Originally owned by Gunther (Personal Item).
Spear of Cleitus Magic spear that turns armor into paper for a short while; other properties unknown. Shown to Byzantine Envoys by Prince Vselov in his palace; told that it once belonged to Alexander the Great, who used it to kill his friend/lover, Cleitus. Prince Vselov inherited the spear. Owned by Prince Vselov (Personal Item)
Swords of Concord (+1) Two swords which work only when used at the same time by two different users. One user must think 'defensively,' while the other 'offensively.' The defensive user gets a +1 bonus to AC, while the offensive user gets a +1 bonus to Thac0 and damage. Found past Beilor and Ishopra in the Chamber of Darkness in Psoikanthe. Party Item, currently in the possession of Thalia and Conrad.
Sword of Night Short sword +2. Is completely soundless when used and does not register a magical aura. Can also create a 10' circle of darkness upon utterance of the command 'Fiat Tenebrae' (according to Eorl). Stolen from the Island of Maeneds in the Greek Islands by Captain Halcyon. Halcyon (Personal Item) (Note: since we got to use it and like it, there's a chance we'll try to steal it from him.)
Wavy Knife +1 A knife with a wavy blade. Causes some kind of disease. Taken from Usibius in the Castle of Maidens. Party Item, currently in the possession of Harald.
Whip Sword of Yemen A short sword that can turn into a whip, though it has short sword+1 stats in either form. It can sever the limbs of an opponent with a good roll. Taken from the Troglodyte chieftan in the cave of the troglodytes, Ethiopia. Party Item, currently in the possession of Harald.