Rumors and Leads

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This page is for rumors and leads in our everlasting fight against the Octopuses. Eventually, rumors and leads listed here should be made into their own pages when we have enough information on them. Or something. Feel free to edit as you see fit.

  • Girls with stone hands. Keep regenerating until completely dead. Are there many of these? Is one of them the one that attacked Gregoria?

  • Lord Evelake lives somewhere in castle on a cliff, in the north of Europe near the Caspian Sea. Can maybe be killed with acid, fire, dismemberment, or showing him the Holy Grail. Once he was Estorause of the White Shield. His castle has many secret passages in the cliffs.

tcm: also, read The Golden History of the Sword of David and its Magnificent Scabbard. also, he works for, and I'm mostly quoting here, Leviathan and Lillith. so any questions about his allegiance are hereby answered.

  • Who was the woman who was amongst the party who fought us when Celdrix was sucked into a gem? Ielanthe was on our side. The question is who was the woman amongst the enemy party? She seemed pretty hardcore (possible ties to Igwolf's descendants?) I don't remember any such woman. I thought it was just Lord Evelake and Lord Valdemar.

There were 3 people who attacked us: Lord Evelake, Lord Valdemar, and Lady Thora.

The woman may have been the offspring of Harald with the sucubus form the One-Year Dungeon. Lord Evelake beat the crap out of Harald after saying "You have offended a Lady I know."

  • Ortheia followers. Are they supported by the Amazons? A satyr said that "the old ways are coming back". The old ways means pagan ways , ways of the old magic. Does this include the Octopuses?

(Dan's suppositions): To answer this question: the phrase "the old ways are coming back" is something that is being said again and again by virtually everyone we meet with religous attachment other than Christianity or Islam. Does it include the Octopuses, I don't know but I think they are involved, possibly related to the cause. What I take it to mean is a resurgence and the growth of acient cults and religions springing up all over Europe, Africa and the Middle East (that we know about). Setites in Egypt, Diana worshipers in Asia Minor, these pick ax people in Kiev, these new guys we've heard about in Spain, in all likelihood Throk, and the Bogomils in Bulgaria, I think these are all link to the same thing. The few cultist we've managed to talk to all say this, "the old ways are coming back." (See Mummy's Note.)

I'd say it's a diversionary tatic to keep anyone from looking for or concentrating on fighting the Octopuses. Also, the Ortheia followers were not supported by the Amazons the last time we fought. Now, who knows?

tcm: diversionary tactic is correct. if the peoples of the world are too busy fighting amongst themselves, they won't pose a threat to the Octopuses as a united front.

  • The information we have so far indicates that Bogamillinery is in many ways the exact opposite of Christianity. A member of this religion Hedwig has traveled briefly with the Byzantine Envoys, summoning "angels".

It seems that the Bogomils and Ortheians have one thing in common: "The old ways are coming back."

  • Rocs may be found in Malagasia(maybe Asia Minor?)

Turns out this rumor referred not to the Roc but rather to goddamn Elephant Birds.

thecomicman says: i don't think so. i think they live in the New World, but they went to East Asia first, then made their way to Europe. although some, myself included, have made mention of their resemblance to a certain monkey king of Chinese myth, so who knows?

tcm: yeah, they live in the New World. this is for sure, now.

  • There is a race in Africa called Ikulu, or The Shining Ones. Mbana was probably one of these people. Their faces shine in battle, and they worship the Moon. They live West of Abyssinia.

  • A White woman know as the "White Ghost" lives in Abyssinia. She is likely a spellcaster.
  • This is Nyoka, a Welsh princess. Not a spellcaster, but rather a Beastmaster (damn you, Dragon Magazine!)

  • Bardas Phocas is headed to the Isle of Lango. A monster or beast lives there.

  • In the Polotsk region of the Kievan Empire, there is a cult that sacrifices humans. The members wear tiny pickaxes on their necklaces. The significance of this is not yet known.

Kerry: Not known to you suckers. Nakula, he knows all about it.

  • It seems to be commonly believed that all Finns are witches.

Kerry: In fact, in the New World a Norseman's Finnish wife cast a kind of Divination for us.

  • Why is Abyssinia such a hotbed for weird stuff? The Shining Ones, this White Ghost, and the City of Silence possibly filled with Anubis-wannabes. and two out of the three definitely have ties to Igwolf. Ayesha lives there as well.

  • Achmed ibn Fallan, a very wise Arab, has gone to Europe.

  • Noah's son Shem is buried in a crypt in the deserts of Yemen (Modern day Saudi Arabia). A fair-haried bearded man sought it long ago. Said man is very likely Sayf bin Diyazn, a pre-muslim hero and former wielder of the Whip Sword of Yemen.

  • The king of Wales has been sighted, about ten years ago, in Dahman (Western coast of the Persian Gulf). He was traveling with a little girl.

tcm: is this the King that Dylan ap Mabon was searching for?

Kerry: Yup. Now this has been cleared up a bit. Check out King Maeredydd's page.

  • Kobolds (the dog-headed men) seem to pop up most everywhere Igwolf does. what's the connection there? they were in Novgorod building dungeons alongside her; they're in the City of Silence, which appears in one of Igwolf's lists... what's up with that?

A tribe of Kobolds also lived in the One-Year Dungeon, which was built by Igwolf. As an aside, the real pronunciation is Igwilf. Also, Kobolds and Cynocephalae may be different creatures. I would guess so, as Kobolds are weak and easy to find, and everything else on that list is pretty badass.

tcm: El-Agalay merely said dog-headed men; i took that to mean Kobolds in the City of Silence and not a Cynocephalus tribe.

Kerry: You know Cynocephalus = Dog head in Greek, right?

tcm: yes, but every other time "dog-headed" was mentioned, it meant Kobold. i guess i made a leap of faith in thinking that it would this time too.

Kerry: Whoa whoa whoa. What "every time dog-headed was mentioned"? I haven't ever heard that phrase in connection with Kobolds. Do tell.

tcm: when Sadko spoke of the two dungeons in Novgorod, the dog-headed men that built the other one were Kobolds.

tcm: okay, yeah. When El-Agalay said "Dog-headed" he was referring to Cynocephali. the brand-spanking new and improved Ikulu's List backs that up.

  • Aramin is possibly hidden on the moon... yeah, that moon.

Noah: Whaddya mean? Aramin is dead. We reassembled her bones in Psoikanthe. You mean Drelzne? Drelzne might be asleep on the moon? Well, ok, if you say so.

Yeah, everyone gets their names mixed up. But check out Ikulu's Lament. I'm pretty sure she's on the moon. Also, the laundry list may be useless without the Book of Moons. --ET 13:14, 5 Sep 2005 (EDT)

tcm: but Drelzne's page says she was buried in Psoikanthe. Which would mean that Aramin is on the moon, no? how do we know which sister is buried there anyway? there's no attribute to the quote on Drelzne's page. and why do we know that it is in fact Aramin and not Drelzne, regardless of the quote? and why are we assuming either one is dead? there is a lot of powerful magic at work here, after all.

All the info about the two sisters pre-dates my joining the game, so I got nothing on which is which. Otherwise, I'm assuming that one is dead because Ikulu's Lament says (twice!) that there were two sisters and one died. This theme was important enough to be carried through to the Tarot Dungeon Poem where there were two tunnels and one died (a line that appeared twice again). Now admittedly, dead doesn't necessarily mean they can't be resurrected, but Ikulu also mentions in Ikulu's Lament that the girl died. So it's pretty clear that one is dead. Also, if Ikulu fell into such despair after the girl died that all her dreams died with her, that doesn't sound like something that can be undone. Also, I finally re-read Heloise's journal (hey, it makes sense now!) and it says they learned that Drelzne killed Alexander the Great? (!!) Is that confirmed? Because thematically, we have two dungeons - the Tarot Dungeon preserved & healed Kriemhild while the Deadpool Dungeon contained evil creatures. Then we have two sisters, one dead and one sent to the moon to preserve humanity's future. Which sister killed the other one and was that the same one who killed Alexander? The dungeons symbolize the sisters, but I really need more info on them, because I think I'm missing something that would make it all fit together. It almost comes together... --ET 22:58, 5 Sep 2005 (EDT)

tcm: i read Heloise's journals again as well, and this Drelzne killing Alexander the Great thing was apparently learned on my watch, and i don't remember it at all. this can be conveniently explained away by the fact that both those characters (Thorion and Great Dog) are dead, but Jean-Claude, however, should remember this ridiculously important item with clarity.

Dan: Yes, Jean-Claude does remember that, though it was like, two and a half years ago, game time, or something, and the very first adventure he had with the party. But yes that was dicovered, and though JC didn't appricate the signifiance of the finding just yet, as I hadn't been fully brief on the whole Octopodi thing. But yes. I remember that clearly.

  • Why are the Tailed People looking for women with extra fingers? First, they took Princess Mengloth a few years back, and now, they're doing it again according to the Bogatyrs in Kiev.

A girl with six fingers is needed as a sacrifice for a sacred rite that they perform at a certain alignment of the stars. Harald has a tapestry that depicts this. The Old Party sucessfully prevented such a rite in the New World on their first mission.

  • thecomicman says: okay, so check it: i've just read a bunch of the new stuff on the QuestBlog and have noticed some horrible things. these spider-worshipping elves are fucking everywhere and i feel i have to take some responsibilty for this (although, it's totally Dan and Sam's fault as i would have loved to kill them all). on our way to Kiev (you can read the Road to Kiev posts on the QuestBlog), we came across a Lost Elven City filled with pale elves that worshipped spiders, chief among them Esthalin, their queen. they were locked in their city and had been for thousands of years (they had no concept of the sky, for fuck's sake) until we accidentally unlocked the door and then proceeded to lose the door (we still have the key). we assumed that these jerks would cause some trouble now that they'd been released into the wild, but how much trouble could they cause (they were terrified of owls). so, yeah, watch out. i'm sure they'll be kicking all your asses soon and then Reynaldo will have to come save you.

  • Word is if you kill a gypsy northwest of Constantinople, they'll come back as a werewolf and/or a midget with iron hands. Or both. The only way to prevent it is to burn their corpse to ashes. That was told to me by gypsies though, and they are well known liars.

  • In Spain, Muslims worship a demon named Hareone. They offer him Christians as human sacrifices, but sometimes he eats Muslims anyway.

  • Alexander the Great traveled so much that his body took on healing properties. His generals fought over his corpse to get the right to eat it.

  • OK, here's some background, then the rumors.

1) Harald et al killed over a hundred low-level Karmathians and sunk their tower. The spared Fatima, Hassan Azam's sister. She was very pregnant with a half-man monster that was created by eating a peach made by Hakim.

2) Harald et al wiped out Hassan Azam's Party in the Castle of Maidens and took Hassan prisoner. They also took Brigette prisoner and killed her companions Usibius and Fraxena.

3) Brigette and Hassan Azam were bound and Brigette's tendons were all cut, legs and arm bones pulverized, her hands removed, and one eye put out. They disappeared one night leaving rag dolls in their place.

Now for the rumors:

1) The Fatimid Caliph's recently born son is a lizard. (Presaged by a Nightmare spell cast on Wirshen by Nimue a while ago. Since the caster determines the nature of the Nightmare, this means that Throkians are very likely involved.)

2) Said Fatimid Caliph has recently taken on a very pregnant advisor named Fatima. People say the child is his and he plans to marry her to get a non-deformed heir (haha, joke's on him).

3) It is said that the Karmathians are weakened by the loss of their tower and followers, but all the high-level initiates were out fo town that day, and now seek revenge. Also, Hassan Azam has made an unholy alliance with a new religion to the East.

  • Throkians are collecting magical teeth. They have a lot of them by now, probably seven or eight. The more they get the worse things get for us. People who have magical teeth in thier head had better be very wary lest they are targeted.

Baba Iaga and Igwolf differed in their choices when it came to the octopuses -Read Igwulf's Obelisk.

When the octopuses came last, Igwolf was busy running around everywhere trying to stop them with Alexander the Great. She traded a lot for that abilty. -Read Igwulf's Obelisk.

She was searching the three continents for things that she needed. These things may not have been availble then, but they're probably available now. In fact, they may even be commonplace and right under your noses. This may be why she failed in her quest. She lacked an element to insure her success.

and the big one: In order to find her daughter, you need to seek her son.

wha-!? Igwolf had a son!?

When Jean-Claude returned the Staff of the King of Cats, he managed to as Baba Iaga two questions, here they are and the answers he got before she teleported him away: 1. what reall happened at the creation of the world: “Ikulu used to say that once the world was all water. The sky maiden fell into it, and floated there until the wind impregnated her. She floated, pregnant, for hundreds of years, until a duck flew up by and, lacking anywhere else to build its nest, built it on her knee, and laid six golden eggs and one of iron. (Even since, eggs have had an affinity for iron.) The duck warmed the eggs and hatched three, but they grew hotter and hotter until the sky maiden could bear it no longer, and moved her leg. The eggs all tumbled into the water. From the shell was made the earth and the heavens. From the yolk of one was made the sun, from the white the moon. I think the timing is off here. Anyway, as I understand it, Ikulu later changed her mind. I am concerned with other things than the creation of the world. Frankly, only a fool, when caught aboard a sinking ship, asks to know who built it.

Is there really a layer of fire that surrounds the world up in the heavens? Does magic exist in the world that could brake the barrier that keeps that fire from raining down onto the earth?: “ As for the empyrean, it resides beyond the firmament of the fixed stars. They better goddamn hope the firmament holds.” She looks almost worried for a moment, then shrugs it off.